Telemedicine vs Emergency Rooms

Get started with tele-medicine technology that will enhance your patients experience while improving your bottom line.

Sunvera Software with their “Konsier”™ platform has generated a new type of service for expanding Medical Care through the use of a TELE-MED APP,  MDKonsier™.

By offering after hour patient consult, your patients can avoid lengthy waits and costly emergency room bills just to be given a prescription.   Doctors can now satisfy many of these urgent need situations through a brief tele-med consult, saving time for their
patients by providing immediate answers and advice.  The conclusion of the after-hours consult is often a prescription, lab test or a scheduled office visit. Importantly, the app has already charged the patients’ credit card for the after regular business hour consult.   

The benefits are many for doctors and their patients:
-After hour consults

-Screen patient request 
-Prescribed Medication
-Mobile Billing Services
-Increased Cash flow
-Custom, Prestigious App creates patient loyalty

-App facilitates convenient patient follow up

-Flexible interaction with patient

  • after hours
  • from home
  • traveling

-Patient History

-Instant credit card patient billing

-Order scripts and labs via App

Email or call us to schedule a review of the tele-med App and learn how to start a FREE trial at 949 284-6300 or [email protected]