Looking To Improve Your App’s Security? Try Biometric Authentication

biometric authenticationIn today’s digital world, if you have any form of online account – from a social media profile to a streaming music service – it probably has some sort of authentication. Whether it is a username and password or a PIN code, our online identities often require us to prove who we are before being granted access to the vast majority of services on the Internet. The drawback of this method is that passwords are often reused across multiple sites, allowing hackers to gain access to even more information than they initially targeted. To combat this issue, many people have turned towards biometric authentication.


What is Biometric Authentication?

Biometric authentication is a form of identification that uses physical characteristics to grant users access to their online accounts. The two most popular types of biometric authentication are face and fingerprint recognition, though there are other possibilities such as iris scanning, voice recognition, etc. As there are so many different ways in which we can uniquely identify ourselves by our bodies, biometric authentication offers a quick and convenient way to grant access to potentially millions of accounts.


How Does Biometric Authentication Work?

It is important to note that when we are talking about online security, identifying someone by their body is not foolproof – it is just more secure than using text passwords or PIN codes. This means that while using a fingerprint to unlock a phone might seem like the safest option possible, someone can hack into your device and take advantage of that information. However, there are ways in which biometric authentication can add an extra layer of security – such as adding a PIN code after an initial attempt at face recognition has been made.


Types of Biometric Authentication Software

When looking at the types of biometric authentication software available, there are two primary methods in which companies can do their security checks:


1) Verify your identity using a stored template

This method allows users to take pictures of themselves and use facial-recognition software to create a digital snapshot of their face. When they log in to an account, the software will compare their face to that pre-stored template.


2) Verify your live, moving face

This method requires users to take a selfie for the software to capture any slight changes in their expressions and create a model of their face. It is important to note that this type of authentication does not store an image or digital snapshot of your face, but instead builds a model of your face which it constantly updates to ensure that the person trying to access the account is you.

There are pros and cons associated with both types of authentication – for example, with live facial recognition there is less chance of error during login, but it would be easier for someone to hack into your phone and unlock it without your consent.


How Biometric Authentication Increases App Security

Changing the password required to log in to an app or site is not only time-consuming but inconvenient for users. This is where biometric authentication comes into play – by using physical identifiers such as facial or fingerprint recognition software, companies can secure their services while providing a high level of convenience for their end-users.

One of the most common concerns when it comes to online security is that passwords can be hacked or stolen. With the introduction of biometric authentication, this is no longer a risk – giving users the peace of mind they deserve.

Biometric authentication is an exciting new method for increasing the security of your apps and sites. When used properly, it can protect your data while simultaneously making accessing them more convenient for users. Although there are still some security concerns that need to be addressed with this type of software, biometric authentication is an exciting new trend in the world of app development – especially for companies with sensitive data.

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