8 Reasons Your App Needs To Implement Voice Recognition Software

voice recognition softwareVoice recognition software is becoming an increasingly popular and useful tool to have in mobile applications. It’s not only a great way to make your application more convenient, but it can also be a huge selling point! Voice recognition is a feature that requires hard work and constant improvement, however, it can make your application stand out. Regardless of the industry that your app is focused on, or the kind of tasks that it has users perform, voice recognition can be very valuable.


How is Voice Recognition Used In Apps?

It’s important to remember that there are many different ways you can use voice recognition software in your application. Sometimes it’s used for simple, everyday tasks such as creating a reminder or taking notes. Other times it has more practical applications such as giving the user the ability to search online using their voice. A good example of this is Siri, Apple’s built-in virtual assistant. It can perform several different tasks such as showing the user how to cook, setting alarms and reminders, and even answering general questions such as “Who is Donald Trump?”


Types Of Voice Recognition Software

If you’re going to include voice recognition software in your application, you must take the time to do your research. There are many different kinds of software, each with its advantages and disadvantages. The most popular types of voice recognition software are:


1. Speaker-Independent Software

This type of software can detect and interpret speech without any prior training. It’s perfect for applications where the user needs to be able to speak in any language. However, it can often result in poorer accuracy rates.


2. Speaker-Dependent Software

This type of software can detect and interpret speech after the user has been processed through a short training process. It’s perfect for applications where users will need to speak in a specific language or dialect. It can achieve much higher accuracy rates than speaker-independent software, however, it requires more time and effort on the developer’s part.


3. Offline Voice Recognition

This type of software can function without an internet connection. It’s perfect for applications where the user will need to use voice recognition in areas with poor or no internet connectivity.


4. Online Voice Recognition

This type of software can function only when there is an active internet connection. It’s perfect for when your app requires the use of voice recognition in areas with very good internet connectivity.


How Much Does Voice Recognition Software Cost?

Like most things in life, the cost of voice recognition software can vary greatly depending on the kind that you use. Most voice recognition apps are anywhere from free to $15/mo.

A voice recognition software license can be anywhere from $5-$80.


Making Voice Recognition Software More Convenient For The User

Now that you understand why voice recognition software can be valuable to your app, it’s time to figure out how to implement it in the best way possible. Doing so can lead you to success and will give users a reason to keep coming back! When you’re building an app using voice recognition software, it’s important to remember that it should be the most convenient option for your users.


1. Ensure That There’s A Clear Button For Confirmation

There should be a clear button on the screen, and the user must use it to confirm their voice command before your app takes action. This will prevent any false positive triggers, which can frustrate users.


2. Make Sure The Voice Recognition Software Is Accurate

If your app has poor accuracy rates, it will quickly frustrate users and they will likely uninstall it. Make sure to test the voice recognition software in a variety of different environments and ensure that it works as well as possible.


3. Use Positive Feedback To Encourage Users

When your app successfully recognizes a user’s voice command, give them positive feedback. Let them know that they’re doing a good job and that the app is responding to their request. This will encourage users to keep using the voice recognition software.


4. Keep The App’s Interface Simple

The last thing you want is for your user to be confused by your app’s interface. When possible, keep your app’s design as simple as possible to reduce confusion. This will make it easier for users to recognize their voice commands and respond accordingly.


5. Implement A Clear Option To Manually Input Voice Commands

If you’re going to include voice recognition software in your app, provide a clear option for manual input so that users can still use your app even if they don’t have a working internet connection. This will give them options and keep them coming back for more!


Most Useful Applications of Voice Recognition Software

There are many different ways that voice recognition software can be used in your mobile app to make it more convenient and efficient for the user. Here are a few of the most common:


Create Reminders Without Using Your Hands

On average, users interact with their smartphones over two hundred times per day! There’s no doubt this number will continue to grow, making your app more useful.


Convenient Interaction With Your App

Voice recognition software can also be used to create more convenient ways for users to interact with your application! For example, if the user gets a reminder on their phone while they are driving home from work, they can simply say “remind me about this at 7pm” and Siri will automatically create the reminder. This is just one example of how voice recognition software can be used to make life a little bit easier for your users!


Increase Productivity In The Workplace

In the workplace, many different tasks can be completed using voice recognition software. For example, if you need to create a document and you don’t have time to type it all out, you can simply speak into your phone and the software will take care of the rest! This is a quick and easy way to increase your employee’s productivity without having to do any extra work!


How to Integrate Voice Recognition in Your App

If you’re looking for a way to make your mobile app more convenient and efficient then voice recognition software is for you. There are many ways that you can build a mobile app with voice recognition, and we suggest using it as an alternative to text-to-speech technology and/or typing! Doing so will give users the convenience of having their words spoken aloud and will save them time!

When you’re choosing a voice recognition software to use in your app, keep in mind that not all of them are created equal. It’s important to select one that is reliable and user-friendly. If you’re not sure where to start, we suggest using Apple’s Siri or Google Now. They are both reliable and user-friendly options that are sure to enhance the convenience of your app!

As you can see, there are many different reasons why voice recognition software is a valuable addition to your mobile app. When implemented correctly, it can make life easier for your users and increase productivity in the workplace!

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

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