5 Different Ways Healthcare Software Can Prevent Data Breaches

data breachesA data breach is when the personal information (e.g., PHI) of an individual is accessed by unauthorized individuals; this can lead to identity theft and other harmful activities. Healthcare data management software systems are part of the larger network, which has many components that can be hacked into or infiltrated by would-be hackers. Any organization that deals with the healthcare industry should be aware of the cybersecurity threats that are out there. Healthcare is one of the most targeted industries for data breaches, so this industry needs to be particularly careful.


Importance of Securing Healthcare Data

The most common type of data breach is a malware or virus attack. For example, an organization’s access logs are collected by the hackers so they can gain more information about the company itself for future attacks. This includes knowing how many employees have access to what information within the organization’s internal system. Hackers can use this data to do some pretty damaging things, like ransomware.

Businesses are responsible for protecting their data. If the company’s data gets hacked, it can have devastating consequences on both customer privacy and the business itself. For example, if a healthcare software company is hacked, there’s a possibility that PHI could get compromised which isn’t good news for anyone involved. Data breaches can happen in practically any industry, but the healthcare industry is a particularly lucrative one for hackers.


Preventing Data Breaches Through Secure Software

There are some steps that organizations can take to prevent a data breach from happening in the first place.


Make sure you’re using the latest version of your software.

You can find updates in your system’s help menu or on the software developer’s website. If there are security patches, you need to download and install them. Not installing these updates can leave your software susceptible to attacks.


Use strong passwords.

The stronger the password, the harder it will be for hackers to access your information. Make sure you change your passwords every year or so as well—you don’t want hackers using an old password for their purposes. If you use a software system, make sure your passwords are unique to that system. You may want to use a password manager for this purpose if you have trouble remembering them all.


Check your security logs often.

Some computers will generate log files when there’s information about suspicious activity on the computer itself, such as attempted access or when something is detected in the system. These logs can help you monitor what’s going on in your system and who is accessing certain information; if someone unauthorized has access to PHI, for example, it can lead to a data breach.


Hire a good cybersecurity firm.

A cybersecurity firm can help you monitor your software for any possible bugs or security vulnerabilities that could lead to a data breach later on. If you do detect an issue with your system, they can provide technical assistance for remedying the problem. You need professionals dealing with these issues to ensure everything is taken care of properly.


Build internal defenses against data breaches.

You can set up security monitoring systems inside your walls to keep an eye on everything that’s going on with the system. You can also use your knowledge of what’s happening in the outside world—like new software updates and patches—to prevent cyberattacks. The more you know about the threats out there, the more you can do to keep your system secure.


How to Choose The Best Healthcare Security Software?

There are many different factors to consider before you choose your healthcare fraud detection software.


Make sure the company you’re buying from is reputable.

When researching your next purchase, always look into what kind of reputation any given vendor has. A good place to start is by checking out online reviews and seeing if other people have had good experiences with them. If you do end up looking at multiple companies for comparison, make sure to keep an eye out for any recurring issues that may arise with your security options as well as the organizations themselves. Keep in mind that some vendors may be trying to push certain products on you and using scare tactics about potential risks to get you onboard; they may not be the best option for you.


Choose software that is compatible with your current ones.

Before you buy anything, make sure to check if it’s compatible with other software you already have installed on your devices. If you’re using a specific brand of security software, for example, make sure any new programs are compatible or else you’ll have to uninstall the old one to take advantage of a new choice. If you’re not sure about compatibility, check with the vendor or leave the non-compatible software off your purchase list for now—you can look into it further down the line when you know exactly what other options you want but don’t necessarily need right away.


Don’t just pick something on a whim.

Check out as many different options as you can to see what the market has to offer before choosing one. If you’re looking at more than one option from a particular vendor, take note of any differences between those products and see if they truly have anything unique or special that sets them apart from their competitors. If you don’t, you may miss out on an even better choice that’s more suited to your needs.


Go the custom software route.

If you have very specific needs that none of the traditional software can accommodate, then go with something custom. This is usually at a higher price but the benefits outweigh the costs if it gets the job done better than any other program out there. Custom programs are also more likely to be compatible with your system properly so you don’t have to constantly be worrying about how it’s affecting your overall setup.


What To Consider Going Forward In Healthcare Data Security?

When choosing a healthcare data security software, make sure it works for you—not the other way around. Although certain features may be more desirable than others, they aren’t as important as your specific needs. If one program has everything you want but something else is better suited to your setup and the way you work, then go with that option instead. You can always try to adapt the features you want into the software you have while learning how to work with something that isn’t exactly what you were used to at first.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

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