Best platforms to scale mobile app to 100,000+ users

Originally answered by Ram Iyer, President of Sunvera Software on QUORA in response to:

If you had to develop a new mobile/web application that had to support 100,000+ users what language would you use?

I am assuming you are looking for technology stack – here is the run down…

Determine if you app needs mobile specific abilities – pictures, videos, gyro, bluetooth, etc. If so – definitely go native. I know cross-platforms can support all of these and in some cases may even be easier. But over the long-term, you will benefit from going native. Your ultimate goal is to scale mobile app to 100,000+ users.

  • IOS: Objective C or Swift
  • Android: Android Java

For your backend, you need to determine if you are going to have a lot of image processing or video/audio processing, could be geo coordinate processing and may be real-time chat like functionality. Once you know those you can choose from a variety of platforms.

Stack choices

  1. Node.js, MongoDB, Nginx, Socket.IO, etc.
  2. ASP.NET/MVC5, MS SQL Server, etc.
  3. LAMP

Again depending on your need, pick a stack that you are comfortable with.

Finally, you need to see if you are going to do all yourself or may be assemble a team (if you don’t have one) or out-source. In any case make sure your team is familiar and comfortable with the stack. You could end up spinning your and your teams wheels if you pick something unfamiliar.

If you have a project that needs to scale very high (upwards of 3 million visits), call us for a FREE consultation. For more information how Sunvera can help you, please contact or call 949 284-6300.