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Steps To Take To Ensure AI is Ethical

ai is ethical

With the rise of artificial intelligence (AI), we are on the cusp of a new era in which machines will increasingly be able to learn, reason, and act for themselves. This presents both opportunities and challenges for humanity. On the one hand, AI has the potential to help us solve some of the world’s most pressing problems, from climate change to healthcare. On the other hand, as AI gets more sophisticated, there is a risk that it could be used in ways that are harmful to society, for example by being deployed in weapon systems or used to manipulate public opinion.

To realize the potential benefits of AI while minimizing the risks, it is essential that we ensure that AI is developed and used in an ethical way. Let’s explore what that means in practice and identify some key steps that should be taken to ensure AI is ethical.


What is Ethical AI?

What are AI ethics? There is no single definition of ethical AI, but at a minimum it generally refers to the idea that AI should be used in ways that are morally acceptable and that do not cause harm. Some people also argue that AI should be designed to uphold human values such as autonomy, privacy, and democracy.

In practice, ethical AI typically involves following a set of principles that ensure AI is used responsibly. These principles can be grouped into three broad categories:


Technical Principles

These principles relate to the design and development of AI systems. For example, a principle might state that an AI system should be designed to be transparent so that people understand how it works and can hold it accountable.


Operational Principles

Operational principles relate to the way AI systems are used in the real world. For example, a principle might state that an AI system should only be used for purposes that have been agreed upon by all parties involved.


Social Principles

Social principles relate to the societal impact of AI. For instance, AI systems should not be used in a way that discriminates against certain groups of people.


How Businesses Ensure AI Meets Ethical Standards

There are a number of ways businesses can ensure that their AI meets ethical standards.


1. Define the Purpose of the AI System

The first step is to define the purpose of the AI system. This might involve specifying what problem the system is trying to solve, what goals it should pursue, and what constraints it should operate under. For example, if a business is developing an AI system to help customers book hotel rooms, it would need to define what criteria the system should use to recommend hotels (e.g. price, location, amenities, etc.).


2. Design the AI System with Ethical Principles in Mind

The next step is to design the AI system with ethical principles in mind. You may want to consider using a ethical framework to help you with this. Consider the case of IEEE Global Initiative on Ethics in Engineering and Technology. They developed a set of ethical design principles for autonomous and intelligent systems. These principles can be used as a checklist to help businesses make sure their AI system is designed in an ethical way.


3. Evaluate the AI System

Once the AI system has been designed, it’s important to evaluate it to make sure it meets ethical standards. This evaluation should be ongoing and should involve multiple stakeholders, including experts in AI, ethics, and the relevant application domain. You also want to make sure that the system is tested in a variety of different scenarios to ensure it behaves as intended. Nobody wants last minute errors!


4. Monitor and Update the AI System

After the AI system is up and running, it’s important to monitor it to make sure it continues to meet ethical standards. This monitoring should be done on an ongoing basis and should involve all stakeholders. If any problems are found, the AI system should be updated accordingly.


5. Be Prepared to Stop Using the AI System

Even if an AI system is designed and operated in an ethical way, there may be situations where it is no longer appropriate to use the system. For example, if a business is using an AI system to recommend products to customers and it is found that the system is biased against certain groups of people, the business may need to stop using the system.

AI has great potential to benefit society, but only if it is used responsibly. By following the steps outlined above, businesses can help ensure that their AI meets ethical standards.


The Importance of Complying AI Ethical Standards

There are a number of reasons why it’s important for businesses to comply with ethical AI principles.


1. To Protect Customers and Employees

If an AI system is not designed or operated in an ethical way, it could cause harm to customers or employees. For example, if a customer-facing AI system is biased against certain groups of people, it could lead to discrimination. Or if an AI system is not properly secured, it could be used to steal sensitive data.


2. To Avoid Regulatory Action

If a business does not comply with ethical AI standards, it could face regulatory action. In the European Union, the General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR) includes provisions on AI, and businesses that do not comply with these provisions could be fined up to 4% of their global annual revenue.


3. To Maintain Public trust

Businesses need to make sure its AI meets ethical standards to maintain public trust. If a business is using AI to make decisions that impact people’s lives, it is important that the public trusts the AI system. If the public does not trust a business’s AI system, they may stop using its products or services.


4. To Gain a Competitive Advantage

Complying with ethical AI standards can give businesses a competitive advantage. Customers and employees are increasingly interested in doing business with companies that have a strong commitment to ethics. By complying with ethical AI standards, businesses can show that they are committed to doing business in an ethical way.


5. To Avoid Litigation

If a business does not comply with ethical AI standards, it could be sued. For example, if an AI system is used to make decisions that have a negative impact on people’s lives, the people affected could sue the business.


6. To Protect the Environment

AI systems can have a significant impact on the environment. For example, if an AI system is used to control a drone, it could be used to pollute the air or damage wildlife. If a business does not comply with ethical AI standards, it could be held responsible for environmental damage.


7. To Improve Society

AI has the potential to improve society in a number of ways. For example, it could be used to help people live healthier lives or to make cities more efficient. But if AI is not used responsibly, it could worsen societal problems like inequality or climate change.


Ethical AI Standards Are Evolving

AI is a rapidly evolving field, and ethical AI standards are constantly evolving as well. Businesses need to stay up-to-date on the latest standards and make sure their AI systems comply with them. In the near future, AI systems will become even more sophisticated and will be used in a variety of new ways. It is important that businesses are prepared for these changes and make sure their AI meets the highest ethical standards.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

6 Types of Software Restaurants Need to Improve Operations & Lower Costs

software restaurants need

The restaurants business is not an easy one. Restaurant owners have to deal with a lot of factors in order to keep their business running. They need to source for the freshest and most affordable ingredients, hire competent staff, manage their finances well, and please customers.

Luckily, there are many software programs designed to help restaurants with all these aspects of their business. Not all restaurant owners are aware of these options, but those who are can attest to their usefulness.


Here are six types of software that you should consider using in order to improve your operations and lower costs.


1) Restaurant Management Software

One of the most important software programs is restaurant management software. This system helps manage inventory, track sales and profits, and manage employee schedules. It essentially helps restaurants run their business more efficiently.


2) Accounting Software

Accounting software is another essential piece of software for restaurants. An accounting system can help restaurant owners track their expenses and revenue, as well as create budgets and forecast future income. It is important to keep track of finances, and accounting software makes this process much easier.


3) Food Costing Software

Food costing software is a must-have for restaurants that want to keep their food costs under control. This helps restaurant owners track the cost of every ingredient used in their dishes. This information can help make better decisions about what dishes to serve and how to price them.


4) Kitchen Display System

A Kitchen Display System (KDS) is a software program that helps restaurants manage their orders. It is typically used in conjunction with a POS system. KDS allows you to keep track of all orders in one place, which can help the kitchen run more efficiently.


5) Customer Relationship Management Software

Customer Relationship Management (CRM) software is a tool that helps restaurants keep track of their customers. A CRM can help track customer preferences, purchase histories, and contact information. CRMs can be used to send out targeted promotions and discounts to customers.


6) Social Media Management Software

Social media management software is a must for restaurants that want to promote their business online. This software allows restaurant owners to track all their social media activity in one place. It also provides tools for creating and managing social media campaigns.


Restaurant software is essential for any restaurant that wants to improve its operations and lower costs. These six types of software are just some of the many options available. When choosing software for your restaurant, be sure to consult with an expert to find the best solution for your business.

Sometimes, you may not find what you need in off-the-shelf software. In this case, you may need to have custom software developed for your restaurant. Custom software can be expensive, but it can be tailored to meet the specific needs of your business. If you are considering custom software, be sure to consult with a software development company to get an estimate.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Crypto and NFTs are Ruling Digital Currency, What’s Next?

crypto and NFTs

Digital currencies have been around for quite some time now. However, it was only recently that they gained mainstream attention. This is thanks to the rise of crypto and NFTs.

Cryptocurrencies have become extremely popular in recent years. This is due to their many benefits over traditional fiat currencies. For example, they are much more secure and difficult to hack. Additionally, they can be used for a variety of purposes such as paying for goods and services or investing in digital assets. Crypto payments are also much faster and cheaper than traditional methods such as bank transfers or credit cards.


Cryptocurrencies vs. NFTs

Cryptocurrencies and Non-Fungible Tokens (NFTs) are both digital assets. However, they are quite different from each other. Cryptocurrencies are typically used as a form of payment. NFTs, on the other hand, are mainly used for trading and investing.

Currently, there is a lot of interest in NFTs. This is because they have the potential to revolutionize the way we trade and invest in digital assets. For example, NFTs can be used to represent ownership of digital artworks, musical recordings, and even gaming items. Not just these items, but also the blockchain networks themselves can be tokenized. We are expected to see NFT evolve to a point where it can be used for a variety of other purposes as well, such as loyalty programs and identity verification.


Similarities and Differences

There are a number of similarities and differences between cryptocurrencies and NFTs. Some of the key similarities include:

– Both are digital assets that exist on the blockchain.

– They can be bought, sold, and traded on digital exchanges.

– They can be used for a variety of purposes, such as payments or investments.


However, there are also some key differences between the two. These include:

– Cryptocurrencies are typically used as a form of payment, while NFTs are mainly used for trading and investing (as mentioned before)

– NFTs are unique and cannot be replicated, while cryptocurrencies can be duplicated.

– NFTs have the potential to be used for a wider range of purposes than cryptocurrencies.


The Rise of NFTs and Crypto

The rise of NFTs and cryptocurrencies has led to a new era in digital asset trading and investment. NFTs and crypto offer a number of benefits over traditional fiat currencies. These benefits include security, speed, and affordability. People are quickly realizing the potential of these assets and are investing in them accordingly. These reasons make crypto and NFTs an ideal choice for trading and investing in digital assets.


The Future of Digital Currency

The future of digital currency is looking very bright. Thanks to the rise of NFTs and cryptocurrencies, we are now entering a new era in digital asset trading and investment. These technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way we trade and invest in digital assets. We can only expect them to become more popular in the years to come.


Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

How Are Cryptocurrencies Being Used? Here’s 10 Ways Crypto is Changing Various Industries

ways crypto is changing

There are many ways crypto is changing the way companies do business. Cryptocurrencies have been around for a while now, and many people are still trying to figure out what they are and how they work. Cryptocurrencies are digital or virtual tokens that use cryptography to secure their transactions and to control the creation of new units.

Cryptocurrencies first came into existence with Bitcoin in 2009. Bitcoin is a decentralized digital currency that doesn’t rely on a central authority to manage its transactions or to issue new units.

However, Bitcoin is not the only cryptocurrency that exists. There are currently over 1,500 different cryptocurrencies in existence, and more are being created all the time. Cryptocurrencies are being used in a variety of ways, and they are starting to change the way that various industries operate.

Here are 10 cryptocurrency use cases involving various industries:


1. Banking

Of course, this had to be first on the list. Cryptocurrencies are starting to disrupt the banking industry. Banks are no longer the only way to store and transfer money. Cryptocurrencies allow for faster, cheaper, and more secure transactions than traditional banks. In addition, cryptocurrencies are starting to be used as a form of currency. There are now many businesses that accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as payment. This is slowly but surely starting to take market share away from traditional banks.


2. E-commerce

Cryptocurrencies are also disrupting the e-commerce industry. e-Commerce businesses are no longer limited to accepting traditional forms of payment like credit cards and PayPal. Cryptocurrencies are starting to be used as a form of currency. There are now many businesses that accept Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies as In addition, cryptocurrencies can be used to purchase goods and services online. This is a huge advantage for merchants, as it allows them to reach a global audience without having to worry about cross-border payments or currency conversions.


3. Travel

The travel industry is another being effected by crypto. There are now many websites that allow you to book flights and hotels with Bitcoin. This is a huge advantage for travelers, as it eliminates the need to carry around extra cash or to worry about currency conversions. There are now a number of travel agencies that accept cryptocurrencies as payment.


4. Healthcare

Healthcare startups are starting to develop platforms that allow patients to pay for their healthcare expenses with cryptocurrencies. This is a huge advantage for patients, as it allows them to avoid paying high transaction fees and to avoid having to provide their personal information. Crypto will also transform the healthcare industry by allowing patients to store their medical records on the blockchain.


5. Charity

Cryptocurrencies are also starting to be used for charity donations. This is a huge advantage for charities, as it allows them to receive donations from all over the world without having to worry about cross-border payments or currency conversions. In addition, cryptocurrencies allow for more transparency and accountability than traditional donation methods.


6. Real Estate

In the real estate world, cryptocurrencies are being used to purchase property. This is a huge advantage for real estate investors, as it eliminates the need to carry around extra cash or to worry about currency conversions. There are now a number of real estate platforms that allow investors to purchase property with cryptocurrencies.


7. Gaming

Out of the many ways crypto is changing industries, the gaming industry has to be included on the list. There are now a number of online gaming platforms that allow gamers to pay for their games and in-game items with Bitcoin and other cryptocurrencies. This is a huge advantage for gamers, as it eliminates the need to carry around extra cash or to worry about currency conversions. Gaming developers benefit from crypto as well, as it allows developers to receive payments for their games and in-game items without having to worry about banking fees or payment processing delays.


8. Journalism

There are now a number of news websites that allow readers to pay for their content with crypto. This is a huge advantage for journalists, as it allows them to receive payments for their work without going through a third-party. In five years, it is likely that most news websites will allow readers to pay for their content with cryptocurrencies.


9. Education

In education, there are now a number of online learning platforms that allow students to pay for their courses with cryptocurrencies. This allows for more flexibility and convenience for students, as they can now study from anywhere in the world without having to worry about exchanging currencies.


10. Art

You must have heard of the term NFTs. It is short for Non-Fungible Tokens. They are tokens which represent unique assets. One of the first use cases for crypto was in the art world. Cryptocurrencies are now being used to purchase art from online galleries. This is a huge advantage for artists, as it allows them to sell their artwork without going through a third-party. In addition, it allows artists to receive payments for their work in a timely manner.



As you can see, there are many ways crypto is changing the business world. Crypto is transforming almost any industry you can think of, by making transactions faster and smoother with minimal effort. This is just the beginning for crypto, and in the next five years, we can expect to see it being used in even more industries. So far, there has been no industry that crypto hasn’t managed to change for the better.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

If You Operate in these 5 Industries, You need to Optimize Your SEO


SEO is a complex and ever-changing field. What worked well for your website last year may not be as effective today. That’s why it’s important to stay up to date on the latest trends and practices, and optimize your SEO strategy accordingly. Whether you have previously worked on SEO or you do not know a single thing about it, we are here to help you learn the importance of SEO and who needs it the most.


How To Optimize SEO For Your Website

Before we get into the industries, here are some general tips on optimizing your site’s SEO.

1. Research your keywords.

When it comes to SEO, keywords are still king. Do your research and find the keywords that are most relevant to your business and target them throughout your website.

2. Optimize your titles and meta descriptions.

Make sure your titles and meta descriptions are properly optimized with your target keywords, so you can rank higher in search engine results pages.

3. Optimize your images.

Including keywords in your image file names and adding captions can help you rank higher in search engine results pages for those images.

4. Publish high-quality content.

Google rewards websites that publish high-quality, engaging content with better rankings and more traffic. So make sure you invest in quality content that will keep your visitors coming back for more.

Now that we’ve covered the basics, let’s take a look at some specific industries where SEO optimization is essential.


5 Industries That Rely on Good SEO

Here are 5 industries that have a lot to benefit from with good SEO.

1. E-commerce

E-commerce websites need to be near the top of search engine results pages in order to compete with the large retailers. SEO can help you do just that.

2. Local businesses

Local businesses can benefit from good SEO by appearing higher in local search engine results pages. This can result in more website visitors and more customers.

3. Travel websites

Travel websites need to rank high in search engine results pages in order to attract potential customers. They also need to optimize their website for mobile devices, as more and more people are searching for travel information on their phones and tablets.

4. Medical websites

Medical websites need to be near the top of search engine results pages in order to attract patients. SEO not only helps healthcare companies attract more patients, but also helps them rank higher in Google Maps results.

5. Law firms

Lastly, law firms need to be near the top of search engine results pages in order to attract potential clients.


SEO For Small Businesses

While SEO is important for all businesses, it’s especially important for small businesses. Small businesses often don’t have the budget to invest in traditional advertising, so SEO is a cost-effective way to get your business in front of potential customers. It is important to keep in mind the various SEO strategies that small businesses can apply. These include :

1. Targeting long-tail keywords

2. Optimizing your website for mobile devices

3. Publishing high-quality content

4. Creating a social media presence

5. Participating in online directories

6. Building backlinks

7. Tracking your results

By targeting the right keywords, optimizing your website, publishing high-quality content, and using the other SEO strategies listed above, you can give your small business the boost it needs to compete with larger businesses.


Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.


How to Create an NFT Minting Platform: A Simple Guide

Would you like to create your NFT minting platform but don’t know where to start?

Creating an NFT minting platform can be a daunting task. In addition to having to navigate the often-confusing crypto terminology and jargon, one also needs to have a good technical understanding and be able to identify potential security risks. With so much changing daily, it can be difficult to keep track of what’s needed to build your perfect NFT minting platform.


What Are NFTs?

Non-fungible tokens (NFTs) are a unique type of cryptographic asset that is quickly gaining popularity due to their many applications and use cases. NFTs are unique in that each token is completely different from any other, making them perfect for representing physical or digital assets. Non-fungible means unique, one of a kind, irreplaceable.

NFTs are built on Blockchain technology. This allows them to be stored securely and traded easily. NFTs can represent anything from digital art and collectibles to in-game items and even physical assets like real estate or cars.


How Do NFTS Work?

Let’s say somebody sells you a piece of digital artwork online. With NFTs, they would also provide you with the ownership rights of the piece. You will now become the official owner of the art piece, though the actual owner can still have rights to copyright and reproduce the piece.


Why Do NFTS Work?

Addressing why NFTs are working well in today’s day and age is just as important as addressing the how piece. The main reason why NFTs are taking off is because they produce digital scarcity, a concept that has been a challenge in the digital world ever since it came about. In other words, only one person can own a single NFT at a time.

Just think about it. How many times have you heard about art being replicated so that there are more and more copies of the same piece being produced, with no indicator as to which one is the original? Millions of digital assets have lost their value because of this, and NFTs are the solution to bring back value to original work.

Another reason why NFTs are attractive for many is the ability to eliminate any third-parties between artists and their buyers, whether it is digital art, music, games etc. The absence of a third-party to help make the transaction allows the original artist to keep around 90% of the profits; the other 10% goes to the NFT minting platform being used.

What happens after the original seller sells his or her digital asset? Well, if they choose to add royalties, they can earn a profit from each sale made afterwards. This is a great way to ensure that artists are fairly compensated for their work and that they can continue to generate income from it long after the initial sale.

Benefits of NFTs


Applications of NFTs

Here are some potential applications of NFTs that could be used on your minting platform:



NFTs are especially popular among collectors, as they can be used to represent unique physical or digital items. This could include assets such as rare stamps, vintage cars, or even digital content such as songs or videos.


Gaming Assets

NFTs can also be used to represent in-game artifacts and items. These could be anything from weapons and armor to unique skins or game worlds. You can also buy virtual land within the game. This allows people to engage more with the game, and invest in it, both mentally and physically.

There is a term going around in the gaming world currently, and it’s called ‘play-to-earn’. These games are generally free to download, but you cannot play them without NFTs, which must be bought separately. The play-to-earn model follows the concept of GameFi, where game assets are traded for financial rewards, in this case, crypto. The more crypto you earn, the more NFTs you can purchase to trade and sell within the game.


Digital Ownership

NFTs can be used to represent digital assets and content such as website domains, social media accounts, or even cryptocurrency wallets. As mentioned before, the original owner of a digital asset can continue to gain value from their asset if they choose to add royalties. This is where digital ownership really comes in. The original artist never really loses their connection with the asset, even if they have sold it to somebody else.

NFT use cases


Highest NFT Sales

The most expensive NFT sale to date is $91.8 million, and it is Pak’s ‘The Merge’, sold in December 2021.

Following that one is the $69 million for Beeple’s ‘Everydays: The First 5000 Days’. This piece is a digital collage of sorts, made up of elements from Beeple’s everyday life over the span of 13 years.

Moving away from artwork, other industries are making massive NFT sales. In the music industry, Kings of Leon are sending an NFT to space for charity, where the bidding starts at $50,000.

Virtual property is also going for millions. In November 2021, ‘Decentraland’ sold virtual land for $2.4 million. This is known as the largest metaverse acquisition so far.

NFTs are changing the way we think about digital assets and content, and there is no doubt that we will see more multimillion-dollar sales in the future. With the ability to represent just about anything, it’s not hard to imagine a world where everything is tokenized.


Why Use NFTs (Besides the Profitability Piece)?

Besides digital ownership, there are many reasons why you might want to use NFTs:



NFTs are stored on the blockchain and cannot be tampered with or stolen. This makes them ideal for storing valuable assets. The removal of a third-party also helps increase security, as the sale or trade is made directly within the seller and buyer. Blockchain networks are known for secure data encryption due to operating on a decentralized system. There are many uses of NFTs to enhance security, including using smart contracts, encrypted messaging, and more.



NFTs can be easily transferred between users, making it easy to trade and sell assets. NFTs are stored in secure wallets, which can be used to make transactions wherever they are. The ability to store these tokens in an online wallet that is both secure and portable makes them a highly attractive option.



NFTs possess the power to remove intermediaries and simplify transactions, while making them more secure and less prone to fraud. It’s a win-win situation.


What is NFT Minting?

When you ‘mint’ an NFT, you simply publish it on the blockchain and make it available for purchase. In order to do this, you have to first create a digital wallet, purchase some crypto to cover the cost of minting your NFT, and then you can publish it in an NFT Marketplace such as OpenSea or FTX US. Many NFT marketplaces will allow artists to set royalties for better tracking sales after the initial sale has been made. Along with earning more profit, this can be particularly helpful for artists to track demand for a certain digital asset, which can give them ideas on what to create and sell next, so it is a highly recommended practice.

Whether you want to participate in NFT markets by purchasing an NFT or minting an NFT depends on you and how much risk you want to take. Minting an NFT is obviously more riskier, as you will be the first owner of the digital asset, and you will be uncertain on how it may perform.

NFT minting definition


Key Considerations Before Building an NFT Minting Platform

In order to build an NFT minting platform, there are several points to note about minting NFTs, to give you an idea on what features your platform should include for users.

  • Minting an NFT is easier than most people think. After setting up their crypto wallet, all they need to do is upload the digital asset file, create the terms and conditions for the smart contract, and finish it off with a selling price. NFT minting platform creators must keep these three steps in mind in order to create the platform.
  • You must know the different blockchains that support NFT tokens. Some of the top platforms include Ethereum, Flow, Solana, and Binance. Ethereum is the most widely used platform for NFT developers.
  • Consider the advantages and the need for NFT minting platforms. No one can deny that NFTs are a huge trend right now, and the various advantages such as decentralization and increased profits for artists and the like indicate that these tokens will stay for quite some time, if not forever. If this is not enough, many crypto enthusiasts are finding NFT minting platforms to be an attractive option due to benefits such as trading globally, the ability to mint unlimited NFTs, and market visibility.
  • Decide what features will be included in your NFT minting platform. When putting together your plan for the platform, you should have a clear plan on what your homepage design will look like, how you will allow users to connect their crypto wallet to your platform, how you can simplify the minting process for users by having an easy-to-work-with interface etc. One of the biggest considerations is if you want your platform to be solely an NFT minting platform, or if you want a combination of both a minting platform and a marketplace. If you choose the latter, you need to make searching for NFTs as simple as possible with the right filters and a ‘sort by’ option.


Checklist to Create an NFT Minting Platform: What You Will Need

In order to develop a good minting platform for NFTs, you or your team should possess the following minimum tech stack.


Blockchain Experience

Since the NFT minting platform will be built on Blockchain, you must have experience working with the top Blockchain platforms like the ones mentioned previously. Ethereum is known as the easiest platform to work with, but you can go for any platform which you or your team might work well with.


Front-End and Backend Frameworks

React.js is typically used as the front-end developer for NFT and blockchain-related projects. Developing the backend will require some expertise in Node.js as well as Express.js.


Smart Contract Development Standards

In order to build smart contracts, you must know the typical standards that are used. The ERC-721 and ERC-1155 standards are used not only for smart contract development, but also represent token standards on Ethereum for safe transfers.


Storage Platforms

You will also want to store NFTs offline with the help of storage platforms. The main NFT storage protocol is IPFS, or The InterPlanetary File System. This peer-to-peer network allows you to store your media files away from the blockchain for offline access. It also secures NFTs in the sense that it prevents others from replicating the same digital asset because of its content identifier feature, which can only be assigned to one unique content piece at once. Pinata is another well-known platform for NFT data storage.


NFT minting tech stack


Steps to Create an NFT Minting Platform

The first thing you’ll need is a good blockchain platform to build your minting on. There are many different options available, but we recommend using Matic (a level 2 blockchain) or Ethereum. Both offer a range of features and functionality that is perfect for this purpose.

The steps to create the platform are:

  •  Setup Javascript development environment with Nodejs – use either Expressjs or Reactjs.
  •  Setup IPFS nodes and connect to the network (alternatively use Piñata)
  •  Deploy an NFT contract
  •  Program API to perform ground-level operations
  •  Publish the platform and mint NFTs!


Step One: Setting up Your Development Environment

To create an NFT minting platform, you will need to set up a development environment. This can be done using Nodejs and Expressjs or Reactjs. Once you have set up your development environment, you will need to install the API.

In order to install the API, you need to go to their website and click on ‘Get API key’ on that specific product page. Tatum also has the option for Javascript with Tatum JS, but if you are looking for other options, you can check this out.


Step Two: Setting Up IPFS Nodes and Connecting to the Network

If you choose to use IPFS nodes, you will need to connect them to the network and set up permissions.

Alternatively, you can use Piñata to manage your NFTs. On their website, Pinata states that they are the only solution that allows users to hide their files from the public IPFS network. The process of making these files private is referred to as ‘submarining’. With Pinata, you can have access control with custom permissions, and have the ability to make the files public whenever you want.


Step Three: Deploying an NFT Contract

To mint NFTs, you will need to deploy an NFT contract. There are several open-source contracts available that can be quickly customized and deployed. You will also need to have some technical competence, especially if you’re working with a contract that has already been written by someone else. In order to deploy a contract, you need to write the deploy script. This involves creating a file called “deploy.js”. You can read up on this more here.


Step Four: Programming the API

Once you have deployed your NFT contract, you will need to write code to use API to perform ground-level operations. This will include such tasks as creating new NFTs, retrieving information about existing tokens, and issuing transfers.


Step Five: Publishing Your Platform and Minting NFTs!

Once you have completed all of the steps listed above, it’s time to publish your platform and start minting NFTs!


Current Trends in NFT Minting

When it comes to NFT minting, there are numerous trends going around, some that will only become more mainstream, and others that could easily be termed ‘fads’. You decide which trends you would put into which category.



If there is one industry that really knows how to make good use of NFTs, that is the digital art industry. Artists are quickly hopping on the NFT trend as a second attempt to make generous profits off of their art and get credit for their own work. There are artists making thousands of dollars for their digital assets!


Gaming with NFTs

We briefly discussed previously that NFTs are being applied to the gaming world, with the ‘play-to-earn’ model and more. There are a number of gaming companies that are moving towards a tokenization model, which would involve players spending money to unlock in-game features. What’s even more cool is that people are buying ‘virtual real-estate’ in some games with NFTs! This brings us to our next point…


NFT Real-Estate Transactions

Yes, you can now buy property with NFTs in some games. The game ‘Decentraland’ is one such example where people are buying land and building on it. These virtual worlds are only going to become more popular as time goes on and technology improves.


Web 3.0 Identities

Since Web 3.0 will already be decentralized, it’s safe to say that NFTs can easily take over in this field. One way that NFTs can serve a powerful role in Web 3.0 is to help create digital identities. This is to ensure that each person will have their own unique identity, and that nobody will be able to have the exact same identity.


Independent Musicians

You remember when we discussed how artists lose potential profits by working with art galleries and other middlemen? The same goes for the music industries. Music artists go through more pressures because many record label companies and music streaming platforms snatch away the artists’ creative freedom. Having to commit to these companies is a major pain for singers and bands, and so they are turning to NFTs. Music artists are selling their discographies as NFTs and releasing their content on decentralized music platforms. The TV industry is also quickly hopping on the same trend.

Wearing NFTs

Luxury fashion brands such as Gucci and Hermes are utilizing NFTs to provide their audiences with exclusive and immersive content. These high-end fashion brands have started to release digital art and experiences that can only be accessed if you wear their clothes. For example, you might need to own a pair of Hermes shoes in order to see an animated short film or experience an art installation. This is a great way for these companies to increase customer loyalty and engagement.


Monetizing Social Media

There are talks of making profile pictures an NFT. Also did you know that there are tweets being sold as NFTs for millions of dollars? It might sound ridiculous, but it’s happening. As we move towards a more digital world, it was only a matter of time before social media would be tokenized. We are already seeing platforms like Reddit and Twitter experimenting with NFTs, and it won’t be long until this becomes the norm.


Where NFTs Are Headed

The future of NFTs is looking very bright, and we can expect to see many more innovative applications and use cases in the years to come. Here are just a few examples of where NFTs might be headed:


Growth of NFT Marketplaces

Right now, OpenSea is the largest NFT marketplace. It sells anything from art pieces to other rare collectibles. There are many other marketplaces following it’s lead, such as Binance and Mintable, and the good thing about these platforms is that they remove the need to be able to code. This makes minting NFTs as simple as possible for everyone. With the growth of NFTs, these marketplaces and minting platforms are expected to grow as well.


Representation of Physical Goods

NFTs have largely been known to represent digital assets only. However, they are being brought to the physical world as well. People are able to claim ownership of a tangible item with an NFT token. For example, if someone wants a rare hoodie of a certain fandom, they can trade the NFT token to receive the hoodie in exchange. Upon the exchange however, the NFT token must be destroyed to prevent replication.


NFTs becoming more ‘social’

If you interact too much on social sites like Instagram, you will often see a message that goes along the lines of ‘we restrict certain activities to protect our community’. Many users have reported that they have received this message even though they have owned their Instagram account for over five years and just enjoy interacting with the app regularly. On the other hand, there are decentralized social media apps emerging which pay users and content creators for the same level of interaction. Now tell us, which one would be more preferable?

Hot NFT areas


Why You Should Invest in NFT Minting

If you clicked on this article, you must have had a desire to build the next major NFT minting platform, judging by the current demand for it. There are many reasons why you should invest in an NFT minting platform.

For one, there is immense potential to make huge profits off of NFT minting platforms. We are already seeing this with top NFT projects selling for millions of dollars. You can take a look at these millennials making large profits selling NFTs.

In the next five years, the world is expected to shift more towards immersive experiences with the emergence of artificial intelligence, virtual reality, and augmented reality. Throw cryptocurrency and NFTs into the picture and we have a more immersive world. People will start spending more and more time in these digital realms, that the growth of NFTs will be (and already are) inevitable.

We are only seeing the beginning of what is possible with NFTs, and we can expect to see even more amazing things in the future.


Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

How To Send Bulk Text Messages on Schedule?

Text messaging

Almost all text messaging marketing efforts geared towards driving sales started with a text message activity. Alternatively, you can choose to send bulk messages to all or selected individuals within a geographical region or community.

SMS (text messages) or MMS (multimedia text messages) based texts would use the same mechanism to set up and send as a single SMS. Bulk SMS can be sent both manually and automatically.

SMS marketing is one of the most important aspects of any internet marketing campaign. Keeping in touch with your clients and getting them to do business with you are two of the hardest tasks any marketer has to face.

So without further ado, here is how to send bulk text messages on schedule.



What is Bulk SMS OR Bulk Text Messages?

Almost everyone reading an SMS message has access to a mobile phone, which is why there are more mobile phones than toothbrushes. SMS boasts an unrivalled open rate of 98% for good reason! Since 90% of adults keep their mobile phones close at hand at all times, SMS messages are read on average within 90 seconds of being sent.

So how does a bulk SMS service work? Generally speaking, it is an application-to-person (A2P) messaging service that allows users to send a large number of messages to several recipients.

A bulk text message package allows you to send messages from any computer at any time (while email and phone have their limitations). It is possible to send bulk text messages in more than one way, but what we are going to explain will get you up and running in no time.



How to Send Bulk Text Messages From Your PC on Schedule

Businesses can easily target their target market by sending SMS messages in bulk from a PC to get in touch with them. With an advanced online SMS platform, you can reach your customers anytime, anywhere.

Sending bulk SMS messages from your PC is easy with the three methods listed below:


1. Using a bulk SMS sending service.

One of the most popular and efficient ways to send bulk SMS messages from your PC is by using an online SMS platform, such as ClickSend or Textmagic. These platforms allow you to easily create and send text messages to large groups through your computer, with scheduling features that allow you to send your messages at a specific time, or on a recurring schedule.


2. Using an SMS marketing software program.

Another option for sending bulk SMS messages from your PC is to use an SMS marketing software platform such as BulkSMS or Call Loop. These programs provide you with a wide range of features that make it easy to create and send text messages to your target audience, including the ability to segment your contacts based on various criteria, detailed reporting features, scheduling options, and more.


3. Automating SMS sending with an API integration.

A third option for sending bulk SMS messages from your PC is to automate the process using an API integration with your CRM system or another software program. This option requires a bit more technical know-how, but can be a great way to streamline the process of sending bulk SMS messages from your PC if you are already using a CRM system or other software that offers API integration.



Top SMS API Providers In 2022

If you choose to use the API integration option, here are a handful of some of the best SMS API providers you need to know.


Twilio SMS API

With Twilio’s SMS API feature, you can send and receive SMS messages, track the delivery of your messages sent, schedule messages, and even retrieve and modify your message history. Twilio’s API is also very secure, as it is served over the HTTPS protocol.


Telesign SMS Verify API

On the topic of safety, Telesign offers a very useful phone verification API that helps add an additional layer of security to your company systems. What it does is it sends voice and SMS verification codes for single-use to increase account security. Telesign also uses two-factor authentication to prevent fraud. This service is used to protect your customer and your business, verify transactions, and prevent fake accounts.



The company D7 has also made some glorious efforts in helping ease interaction with customers, with their messaging and SMS API. This developer-friendly API supports normal and Unicode message text, two-factor authentication, and two-way messaging. D7 also delivers 24/7 support for all your questions and inquiries.


Telnyx API

Another API that can be effectively used for authentication is the Telnyx API. This API allows users to track calls, get real-time analytics, and use two-factor authentication. The Telnyx API is also known for its low latency and high security standards.


MessageBird API

MessageBird’s API allows users to seamlessly integrate various communication features such as SMS, chat, and voice functionalities to their website or app. They use an access key for their API Authorization framework. Before using the MessageBird API, however, you need to sign up on their website.


ClickSend API

Lastly, ClickSend offers many different API options that serve different functions. On their website, you can see API options for Rest API, which is their latest and most recommended API. Additionally, you can select their HTTP, SMPP, SMTP, FTP, and SOAP APIs.



Email to SMS

An email account can be used to send a text message from your own computer, eliminating the need to add a new feature to your CRM system, log into a special website, or upload bulk lists via CSV files. It is simple to handle user replies with many emails to SMS providers. Text messages also open the door to instant two-way communication, which is very useful when rotating staff or scheduling appointments. While using an email to SMS provider, you will need to have access to your email client, rather than a web-based solution.


Top Email To SMS Providers In 2022

  1. ClickSend – Best Email To SMS Service
  2. Burst SMS – Cheap SMS Rates
  3. MessageMedia – Large Business SMS
  4. MessageBird – The Global Mobile Network
  5. SMS Global – Top Features of Email To SMS
  6. Twilio – Messaging for Large Organizations
  7. Clickatell – The Best Premium SMS Service
  8. EZTexting – Text Messages For SMEs



How to Send Bulk SMS/Text Through iOS Apps on Schedule

Sending bulk messages through iOS apps is a great way to promote your products, reach out to your target market, and engage with customers on the go. Whether you are promoting an event or just keeping in touch with clients, there are a number of apps available that can help you send bulk SMS messages through your iOS device quickly and easily.


Top iOS Bulk SMS Apps In 2022

Here is our list of the top iOS apps for sending bulk SMS messages:


BulkSMS by EZ Texting

BulkSMS by EZ Texting is a bulk SMS messaging app that allows you to send text messages to large groups of contacts with the tap of a button. With BulkSMS, you can easily create and manage your contact lists, schedule messages to be sent at a later time, and track the delivery of your texts to ensure that they are being received by your contacts.



Textline is a secure SMS marketing and customer engagement app that offers a number of features to help you reach out to your target market and engage with customers through text messages. With Textline, you can improve relationships with customers by engaging in effective two-way conversation without being spammy. Textline also offers automation tools to streamline the entire customer engagement process, while adding a personal touch. Lastly, Textline makes it easy to manage replies from customers and integrate SMS messaging into your existing workflows.


Bulk SMS by Mo+

If you are looking for a quick and easy way to send bulk SMS messages through your iOS device, Bulk SMS by Mo+ is an excellent choice. This app allows you to quickly build contact lists and schedule messages to be sent at a later time, giving you more flexibility in how and when you reach out to your target market. You can follow up with your contacts at a later time as well with their Reminders feature. The good thing about Textmo is that instead of the traditional 160 character limit, this platform allows your messages to be up to 306 characters long.



If you want to send bulk SMS messages through your iPhone, iMessage is a great option. Most people are aware of iMessage since it is the top messaging tool that iPhone users use. With iMessage, you can easily create group chats with up to 200 contacts and send text, photos, videos, and documents to your contacts all at once.

Whether you are promoting an event or just keeping in touch with customers, iMessage is a powerful tool that can help you reach out to your target market and engage with customers through SMS messaging. With iMessage, there is no app to download since this one is already built into iPhones! Another plus side to iMessage is that the messages can be sent and received not just on iPhones, but also on the iPad and Mac.


SMS Magic

SMS Magic is an AI-powered customer engagement app that offers a number of features to help you reach out to your target market and engage with customers through text messages. The unique aspect of this app is that it integrates with various chat apps such as WhatsApp, Facebook Messenger, and LINE, as well as traditional text, to reach the maximum amount of contacts. Through this app, you can improve customer service as well as being able to get a large number of attendees for an event through effective reminder texts.



Similar to SMS Magic, MessageBird also allows you to integrate with some of the top communication channels that customers prefer to engage with them in two-way messaging. Not only that, but you can also integrate with third-party services such as Shopify to personalize interactions. MessageBird comes with helpful security features such as two-factor authentication to ensure confidentiality. MessageBird helps you unify all of your channels into a single shared inbox for convenience.



Lastly, Zendesk is a customer service platform that offers the ability to send bulk email messages as well. This can come in handy if you want to reach out to your target market with a promotional offer or upcoming event. With Zendesk, you can easily track who opens and clicks on your emails, as well as get detailed reports. You can also segment your contact lists to target specific groups with more personalized messages. You can send up to 300 emails within a 24-hour period with this app.



How to Send Bulk SMS/Text Through Android Apps on Schedule

There are several reasons to schedule text messages ahead of time, whether you want to send a quick “happy belated birthday” message to a family member or friend, or you have friends who work a different schedule than you do. Originally, Android users could only schedule messages to be sent later through apps. Today, you can schedule messages through stock Android SMS apps as well as multiple apps.


Top Android Bulk SMS Apps In 2022

We have also compiled a list of the top Android bulk SMS apps for our fellow Android users:


Chomp SMS

With over 10 million users, Chomp SMS is a feature-rich Android app that lets you easily send bulk SMS messages to multiple contacts. This app makes the standard texting app look boring, with fun customization features such as notification LED colors, fun ringtones, and vibrate patterns. It also has some very useful built-in privacy and security features such as a passcode lock, the ability to stop a text while it is still sending (which can be a lifesaver!), backup features, and even convenience features such as replying from your lock-screen.



Ever wanted to send a text message right from your computer? Well, MightyText allows you to do that! With this app, you are able to text from any device you wish, whether it be your phone, laptop, desktop, or tablet. You can receive your phone notifications on your laptop screen. Plus, MightyText also comes with some very neat features such as 1-click photo sharing, scheduling messages, texting directly from Gmail, and syncing messages to your email as a backup. It’s a great app for those who don’t always have access to their phone and are looking for a more convenient option.


Pulse SMS

Pulse SMS is a powerful scheduling app for Android users who want to send bulk text messages on the go. Pulse SMS offers a number of features to help you create, send, and track the performance of your campaigns with ease. Some of the notable features include pinning favorite contacts, blacklisting unwanted contacts, dual SIM support, end-to-end encryption for enhanced security, web previews for articles and YouTube videos, and a mute and snooze option to help prevent distractions when you are tied up with something.


Textra SMS

Lastly, another fun Android SMS app that comes with various customization features, similar to Chomp SMS, is Textra SMS. This app comes with 180+ colors for various in-app elements and allows you to schedule text messages to send at a later time. A key feature of this app, which is not so common on most of the Android SMS app options available, is the ability to automatically compress image and video files that are too large. This allows for seamless communication.

Another exciting feature of this app is its support for reactions, which is much like the iOS reactions. It’s a great app overall whether you are looking for an app to communicate with customers or just upgrade your texting game in general.



How To Send Bulk SMS/Text Messaging From Your Samsung Phone on Schedule

When you need to communicate a message to multiple contacts at once, you can send mass SMS messages from your Samsung Galaxy. You can text a single message to every contact in your Contacts list from your device. Using the Galaxy’s Contact Groups feature, create an address book group that includes all of your contacts. The Galaxy’s Messaging app lets you send an all-inclusive contact group a single text message.


Create Contact Group

  1. Click the “Contacts” icon in the home screen of the Samsung Galaxy to access the Contacts list.
  2. To access the Groups form, tap the tab labeled “Groups”.
  3. When you click the “Menu” button, the “Create” option will appear.
  4. You can name the new group anything you like, for example, “All Contacts.”
  5. Select “Add Member” from the menu. You will be able to check each contact on the Contacts list when you open it.
  6. Select all contacts from your Contact list by checking the box “Select All,” then tap “OK.” All contacts from your Contact list are added to the new group.


Send Group Text

  1. From the Galaxy home screen, tap the “Contacts” icon, and then tap “Groups”.
  2. To create an inclusive contact group, tap the entry.
  3.  The Contact Group contact list appears after pressing the “Menu” key and selecting “Send Message.”
  4. After you tap “All,” the Messaging app opens and you will be able to create an SMS message.
  5. The text input box allows you to write a message to the group.
  6. You can send the message to all members of the contact group by tapping “Send”.




As a result of its many benefits, bulk text messaging revolutionizes customer interaction and will probably continue to do so over the long term. The ability to communicate with large numbers of people at once, in a way that is personal and immediate, is unrivaled by any other form of marketing or customer service. If used properly, it can be an invaluable tool for your business.

There are many providers of email to SMS services, and each has its own advantages. The provider you choose will depend on your individual needs and budget. To find the best provider for your business, do some research online or talk to other businesses that have experience with email to SMS services. Whatever provider you choose, make sure it offers reliable customer support and allows you to schedule bulk text messages on a regular basis.


Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, Shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Mobile Marketing Automation: What is it?

Mobile app

With consumers spending more than five hours a day on their phones, businesses are keener than ever to find a way to engage with the user on their phones and harvest significant results.

Since most website traffic comes from mobile phones, 71% of marketers find mobile marketing a better and more productive way to generate leads. With technological advances at their peak, mobile app marketing automation is the goal of every other entrepreneur as it not only decreases the total input but increases the output significantly.

What is Mobile Marketing Automation (MMA)?

MMA is your algorithm-based virtual assistant that keeps track of the user activity on your app; where they spend the most time, what hours of the day they spend on your app, which buttons are tapped, and how much time is being spent. A plethora of other observations are also made and AI segments the users based on their actions. Consumer behavior analysis puts them into segments and sends prompts and messages accordingly. MMA does real-time marketing by tracing the user and sending a related prompt, message, email, or an SMS that leads them to a relevant campaign.

Cutting to the chase, MMA eliminates your need to stay behind the curtain and watch a user’s activity to create and manage your marketing campaign accordingly. MMA is just an intelligent alternative of your marketing team, working 24/7 like a control tower of your app.

An insight into real-time features of MMA

Real-Time Segmentation

Every marketing campaign creates segments based on the user’s behavior. Making it clear about the user behavior, it refers to the user’s location, the time they spend on the app, and the way they behave on the app. Based on the segments, personalized messages, prompts, emails, and SMSs are sent to the users.

The best thing about mobile marketing automation tools is that they give you real-time insight and analytics about your marketing campaign. You can immediately assess what tactic/approach is working and which one has failed to get things done. You can then make adjustments to match your desired goal.

Ongoing Personalization

Marketers reported having a 56% increase in sales when they used personalized marketing approaches. Mobile automation is always personalizing emails, prompts, SMSs, and product information for the customers. Adjustments are made based on customer preference, location, and loyalty to your brand. Since you know what’s happening in the app, you can use those analytics for many things.

The Working of Mobile Market Automation

Mobile marketing automation is a system that is working behind the scenes. From using data such as Geolocation to assessing the customer’s behavior and sending emails accordingly is a part of what it does. MMA is aimed at increasing engagement and user awareness. Whenever the user is not using the app, sending those emails and messages about your app might not be fruitful. With MMA, you know when a user is on your app, and you can ask them a quick question to engage with them.

Benefits of MMA

  • The Best Channel for Reaching Users

Automation giving valuable insights into the user’s behavior helps to choose the best channel for reaching the user. Whether it’s an email, SMS, or an in-app prompt, you get the best response when you know what the user is up to. 

  • The entirety of User Data Available for Analysis

Mobile marketing automation gives you the liberty to access a wide array of user data useful in customer relationship management. Having 360-degree data of a user, their geolocation, social data, and in-app preferences lay a solid base for organizing the marketing strategy. Moreover, this data can be used for crucial sales-related analysis. 

  • Efficient in many ways

Since the automation does not need you to be vigilant and careful about the messaging and emails, you can save time for other tasks. Moreover, handling a marketing team is a hectic job, and all the statistics point towards the automation of marketing since it is high time to automate work processes and make the best use of your time. 

Mobile marketing automation tools are changing the structure of marketing models in businesses. With its excellent work process, MMA will cast its shadow over the famous marketing models and be an integral part of digital marketing. It is not long when the acronym MMA will be well-known for Mobile market automation rather than Mixed Martial Arts.

Along with mobile marketing automation, you may want to check out these 24 Digital Marketing Mistakes to Avoid in 2022.

Contact us to discuss your business today.

A Guide to HIPAA Compliant Video Conferencing

HIPAA compliance document

The COVID-19 situation has prompted thousands of healthcare organizations to turn to online video conferencing to serve their patients. With numerous video conferencing platforms that claim to be HIPAA compliant, many doctors and physicians do not think twice before switching to one. However, there is a lot more you need to know before making the transition to serving patients online through video. It turns out, the current video conferencing platforms in the market may not be HIPAA compliant after all, and the issue of privacy and security persists within these offerings. 

Let’s start from the very beginning so you can get a better idea of what HIPAA compliant really means and how you can securely implement it for your healthcare organization. 

Who Needs To Comply with HIPAA?

Covered Entities: There are three types of ‘covered entities’ under HIPAA. These are health plans, clearinghouses, and certain healthcare providers such as doctors, dentists, pharmacies, clinics, etc., as long as they transmit data in an electronic form that is in connection with a transaction for which HHS has adopted standards.

Business Associates: These are people or entities that carry out tasks involving the use or disclosure of protected health info on behalf of a covered entity or to provide services to them. Some examples are a CPA firm who needs to access protected healthcare info to provide accounting services to a healthcare provider, or an outside medical transcriptionist providing transcription services to a physician

Organizations That Do Not Need To Comply with HIPAA

According to ShareCare, the following organizations are not required to follow HIPAA guidelines:

  • Life insurers
  • Employers
  • Workers’ compensation carriers
  • Most schools and school districts
  • Many state agencies, including child protective agencies
  • Most law enforcement agencies
  • Many municipal offices

Issues with Current ‘HIPAA Compliant’ Video Conferencing Platforms

Zoom: As one of the most-used video conferencing platforms right now, whether it is for a family reunion or a telehealth appointment, Zoom has quite the reputation for being a reliable platform for communication. However, several issues about Zoom not being HIPAA compliant have come into light this year. From hijacking attacks to malware threats, Zoom has undergone a lot of stress trying to solve the various security concerns. Although they may have found a solution to some of the privacy concerns, this popular video conferencing platform is still not deemed entirely HIPAA compliant as there are still remaining issues to fix.

GoToMeeting: Another widely-used platform to schedule meetings online, GoToMeeting also fell prey to online security concerns this year, including a unique vulnerability that exposed its customers to a lot of risk. They were able to resolve it, but no one can predict when something like this can happen again. 

These are just some of the platforms that are deemed as HIPAA compliant, even though they pose numerous security issues. 

Skype and Facetime Are NOT HIPAA Compliant

It is crucial to note that Skype and Facetime, while they can be good platforms for informal communication, CANNOT be used for telehealth services. The reason is because they do not fully meet the criteria that we are about to cover in the next section. There are a number of healthcare providers who think that Skype and Facetime are reliable platforms when they are far from being HIPAA compliant

So How Do You Implement HIPAA Compliant Video Conferencing?

Here are some components of HIPAA compliance that you need to know before implementing this technology.

End-to-End Encryption: When implementing a secure video conferencing for your healthcare organization, the very first feature to look out for is end-to-end encryption. This means that only the sender’s device and the receiver’s device can encrypt and decrypt messages sent back and forth, offering a much higher level of security. 

Business Associate Agreement (BAA): A step that covered entities often forget, you need to make sure you have a Business Associate Agreement in place to further protect healthcare info and comply by HIPAA guidelines. You can read more about BAAs here

Peer-to-Peer Sessions: For enhanced quality and security, you also want to check and see if the video is routed directly to the patient’s device, or if it involves a server. Direct peer-to-peer sessions without the need for a server is the best route to go. 

For best practices, your video conferencing solution should have all three of the features listed above. 

With that being said, instead of going forward with risky platforms that yet need improvement, it is best to find a good software development agency with decades of development experience including telehealth solutions to craft the perfect secure video conferencing platform for your healthcare organization, which meets all HIPAA guidelines. 

Sunvera can help you implement the right software solution for your healthcare organization while helping you reduce costs and improve operational efficiency. Contact us for a FREE 2-hour consultation.  

Outsourcing Application Development: Why Businesses Do It


Outsourcing application development has been around for a long time, and this is a great option for companies that lack experience or expertise in application development. The term “outsourcing” refers to a third-party application development company for iOS or Android that will develop for you. In short, when you hire someone to create an app for you, you outsource the development of mobile apps.

Mobile application outsourcing unlocks the door to a broader range of abilities, expertise, application traits, layout templates, and an infinite number of expert developers. By contrast, internal developers limit your capabilities, which can scare you away.

You choose between several development outsourcing options, and they are:

  • Development companies
  • Freelance application developers
  • Ready solutions

The Necessity of Outsourcing Applications

You probably think it’s better to hire an internal team of application developers and designers that you can monitor and keep track of.

Why does someone choose to outsource developers? The answer is quite simple. Outsourcing is an opportunity that enables you to save money, suggest many features, and allows you to use all the latest technologies possible in the market.

Some other benefits include:

Faster development process

The process of outsourcing mobile applications is efficient and fast. A reputable software development firm is far superior to freelancers and staff due to faster order time.

How is this possible?

Because when you choose a firm, you hire a team that combines developers, investigators, planners, and supervisors. The whole unit will serve together and persistently show the results. However, hiring your team will take a lot more time and effort, which will affect the order completion time.

Access many talented developers

If you demand a mobile app by excitement, hiring a faculty team will limit your time and selection of the best resources. Finding, interviewing, testing, and adding resources to your staff is a long process, but you can save time by hiring the company that will create your mobile app.

Way to a complete polished tech stack

A software company will have infinite information about the newest technology and will be able to fully leverage it than your in-house unit. They will have a way to all the technology, grip all the skills, and practice all the advanced arts and tools to bring to life even the most complex app with market-competitive qualities.

Although outsourcing application development gives you little control over the application creation process, it can save you on the cost of hiring. The extensive recruitment process will cost more than the choice of outsourcing. You have the opportunity to hire offshore firms from regions where the application can be created within the budget. And who wouldn’t want to minimize expenses? FACT: About 59% of companies claim to hire offshore firms because outsourcing applications are cheaper.

Advantages of mobile app outsourcing

A lot of experience. Thanks to many similar projects implemented, outsourcing companies have gained extensive experience in the business sphere and technical solutions for quick and effective problem-solving. So they understand application requirements better.

Highly qualified outsourcing teams can easily replace full-time specialists, bringing knowledge and experience that would otherwise require much more time and money.

In addition, outsourcing companies with extensive experience can have a broader view of industry trends and act as business consultants to guide the development of your project. You can find new approaches and innovative ways to accomplish tasks that will promote change and innovation in your business.

Broadly Spread and Highly developed

The outsourcing firm has under its roof a full range of IT professionals

These specialists can be easily available on-demand and quickly hired for a limited time.

The supplier can easily and relatively quickly increase or reduce the size of the team to meet changing product or business needs.

Ultimately, an outsourcing company feature can be easily disqualified from the project or replaced. Usually, for outsourcing companies, this means only staff rotation between different projects, not dismissal.

Economic efficiency

Well-qualified developers in offshore regions, such as Eastern Europe or India, are cheaper. This is particularly right for companies with offices in Silicon west Valley, London, and other areas where it is very costly to live. Moreover, because of the high competition for talent in these regions, it is difficult to find developers, so hiring takes much longer.

There is no need to build, manage an entire office, and carry the associated expenses. Development agencies credit an hourly rate, which covers the cost of developers, tools, maintenance, and co-operations after ship. Working with outsourcing companies, the business saves on a lease, IT-ecosystems and corporate events, benefits, and other overheads.

Deficiency of micro-management

There is no need to waste a lot of time contracting, coaching, and hiring staff. By outsourcing team development, companies can better focus on business development and operations. Directors of the team, improve speed, and quality trust is committed to the outsourcing team. This means that the customer can analyze the performance metrics of the application and the engineering team KPI for decision-making instead of delving into the cause and effect analysis.

According to the Santos study, almost 68% of the organizations inspected have outsourced software development at least once, and about 62% are happy with the outcome.

Cross-platform application development

Cross-platform application development is the invention of a single application that can operate on different operating modes, alternately designing different versions for each platform.

The driving push behind the growth of cross-platform applications is the piece of software that works great in more than one specific digital ecosystem, with the chief objective of marketing it to full customer support.


Compared to a native solution, cross-platform application development, in which mobile application developers must write only one code base for both mobile platforms (iOS and Android), gives companies, especially SMB (small and medium business) and startups, the following advantages:

Effective development expense

Native development demands developers to compose separate code bases for various programs (iOS and Android), managing to a doubling of forces and sources. In opposition, cross-platform developers need to write a codebase only once, and then publish the application on both platforms at the same time. This results in lower cross-platform development costs, allowing companies to save money.

Save time and run quickly

The need to write code only once allows companies to shorten development time, quickly bring their product to the application market, and capture a valuable market share from first users.

Performance close to native

With new technologies like React Native and Flutter, cross-platform applications can now function as easily as native applications, providing users with a very pleasant experience with the application and UI/UX, close to native.

What is Native Application Development

The term “native application development” refers to the creation of a mobile application for only one platform. The application is created using programming languages and tools specific to the same platform. For instance, you can produce a native application for Android adopting Java, and for applications for iOS, you can use Swift and Objective-C.

Native applications are known to provide exceptional user experience, as they typically provide high performance. User experience is also improving as visual effects are adapted to the UX platform. However, startups are concerned about the high price of producing domestic applications because they demand to originate together for both programs.

Advantages of native application development

Broad functionality

You will have access to all APIs and tools provided by the platform you work on. Technically, there are no restrictions on how programmers can work with the new application.

Best store support

The native application is easier to publish and is typically higher in the platform’s application store because it provides better performance and speed.

Improved Abilities

Applications built for the native conditions also favor being more scalable, with versatility in support supervision.

High performance and excellent UX

Direct communication between code and base resources provides high performance. In addition, native applications typically have the best UX.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business and the process of outsourcing application development to us, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

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