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Biggest AI Achievements In Business So Far In 2021

AI achievements in businessArtificial Intelligence (AI) continues to make headway in every sector in society—especially when it comes to business. AI achievements in business have improved the work space in leaps and bounds by making operations more efficient, saving time, money, and resources.


Why Businesses Have So Much To Gain From AI

The reason why businesses benefit from AI is because it automates many work tasks and processes that would otherwise be very time-consuming for humans to do. Like other achievements in business, AI is making gains that drastically increase productivity and allow companies to focus on the big picture rather than administrative minutiae.

Businesses like this no longer have staff members spend hours every day looking up information about past customers, for example. Instead, AI makes inferences about the usefulness of past customers and their buying habits to provide more accurate information without any employees having to search through records.


AI Achievements in Business So Far

Among the top AI achievements in business is its ability to save businesses money by cutting costs. AI can make it easier to purchase goods and get them delivered without having employees visit the store. This saves time and money while also making products more affordable across the board.

Another achievement for AI in business is its ability to provide better customer service. Businesses are able to interact with their consumers in a much more responsive way, helping them to resolve problems quickly and efficiently.

Finally, AI has allowed businesses to become more competitive in their industries by using data collected through customers’ digital footprints. This information provides unprecedented insights into customer buying habits that can help companies understand what customers want or need so they can make better decisions about future products.

Up until now, in 2021, AI in business has shown no signs of slowing down. With more businesses moving towards becoming tech companies, there is a big push to get AI involved in almost every sector. This will be an exciting time for businesses and consumers alike who stand to gain the most from this new technology.


Future of AI in Business

Looking to the future, there are still so many more things that AI can do for businesses. The sky is truly the limit for this new technology, and it’s only a matter of time before we see even more advancements in areas such as digital marketing, customer service, business efficiency, and data collection.

In digital marketing, we can expect to see AI help out with more personalized brand awareness, hyper-focused ad targeting, and a more effective way for reaching a customer through their preferred device or platform.

In the same vein, customer service will see more improvement as machine learning gets better and better at bringing up data about customers so agents can provide better, more customized services and troubleshooting.

As we’d mentioned before, there’s data collection, which, with enhanced machine learning now endowing AI with a greater capacity to analyze big data, businesses will become more adept at studying their customers’ digital footprint, so they can make better decisions when producing products or services to sell in the future.

AI will also offer more advanced applications for business use, such as natural language processing and deep learning. Not only will this empower companies to better understand their customers and markets as a whole, they’ll be able to automate more forms of communication, freeing up resources.


It’s not hard to see how much AI has changed the business world already, and there are so many more advancements ahead. From making employees more efficient to helping businesses stay competitive, this transformative technology will continue to revolutionize the way we do business for years to come.

It will be interesting to see how far AI can go in 2021 and beyond. With more businesses beginning to adopt it into their operations, we could see an increasing number of companies using AI as a differentiator to stay ahead of the pack.

This will be an exciting time for consumers as well, who are able to benefit from AI through greater convenience, better customer service, and unprecedented access to information on their purchasing behavior.

While it’s impossible to say whether or not the tech world will see another breakthrough in 2021 that suddenly makes AI even more efficient, you can bet that whatever happens, AI will be involved. There’s no stopping this technology now, and it’s only the beginning for one of the most transformative forces in business today.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Current State of Rural Healthcare

rural healthcareRural healthcare has long been an important issue to the people of America, whether it be for themselves or for their loved ones. Many rural areas face unique challenges in providing accessible and affordable health care to citizens. Rural healthcare issues are very prevalent in America today with millions of Americans lacking health insurance.

This lack of access can be especially felt within rural areas where a smaller population creates a larger geographical community. One of the many debates within rural healthcare is whether or not to expand government-funded health insurance programs, such as Medicaid and Medicare, into rural areas to help provide more accessible care.

While it is evident that there are numerous issues to be solved in order to improve the quality and access of medical care, there are some cases showing the benefits of providing medical care in rural areas.


Current Problems With Rural Healthcare

Rural areas and healthcare present a tricky problem to solve due to the lack of easy access. There is some evidence that suggests that while expanding government insurance programs into rural areas would help, there are still many challenges in providing adequate care to the rural population. Here are some of them:

  1. Government-funded health insurance programs are not necessarily a solution to the healthcare problem in rural America because it may not be enough to provide adequate coverage to all who need it while keeping costs low at the same time.
  2. The number of physicians available in rural areas is a large concern for many who live in these areas, which would make it difficult to provide adequate access to medical care.
  3. Rural citizens often have poorer health than urban citizens and rely more heavily on Medicaid and Medicare due to the lack of insurance opportunities in these areas.
  4. The quality of medical care in rural areas is typically lower than the quality in urban areas because there is a larger quantity of specialists needed to provide adequate care for a smaller population.
  5. Although many people believe that providing proper healthcare in rural areas will have benefits, some researchers have suggested that it may be more efficient to simply move rural Americans into urban areas for better quality medical care.
  6. Other issues that may occur if expanding government-funded health insurance programs is seen as the main solution to providing healthcare in rural communities are that there may need to be more money spent on transportation and information technology than before, which could lead to higher taxes and fees.
  7. The issue might not just lie with the quality of doctors but also with the lack of healthy behaviors from those living in rural areas and what can be done to promote this.
  8. Many who provide medical services in rural areas do not want to stay in these regions, which is impacting the number of physicians available.


Ways to Improve Rural Healthcare Accessibility

One of the most effective solutions for improving rural healthcare in rural America without expanding government-funded health insurance programs might be through telemedicine, which would enable people living in these areas to have equal access as those who live in urban areas as well as provide more jobs for those who work in this field.

Another option for increasing healthcare access and availability in rural communities may be through an expansion of nurse practitioner programs, which would require less medical training than physicians and therefore could reduce the costs associated with this oftentimes difficult medical service.

There are also many opportunities to provide health services in schools as well as promote healthy lifestyles by promoting nutritious food options at schools and programs for children to play recreational sports.

Another way to improve rural healthcare is by providing more incentives and scholarships for medical students to attend universities in rural areas rather than urban or metropolitan ones, which could lead to more doctors choosing this field of work because they would then have a better understanding of how it is like living in these communities.

Some have suggested that there should be a shift from expanding government-funded health insurance programs into rural communities to investing in these areas by providing training opportunities for medical professionals, encouraging industries that would create jobs, and promoting healthy lifestyles.

Another idea that has been proposed to improve healthcare in rural America is permitting nurse practitioners and physician assistants to do more procedures and prescribing medications without a doctor present, which would increase their role within the community leading to more accessible care.

There is also the belief that there needs to be more of a focus on preventative medicine, which could help lower the costs of medical care as well as increase the number of good years people live with their current diseases and conditions.


Importance of Healthcare Technology in Rural Areas

While some believe that technology in healthcare is an issue when it comes to providing people living in rural communities with the same quality of care as those who live in urban areas, many are seeing this development as a way to improve affordability.

One idea for using telemedicine in rural areas would be through video-conferencing to connect doctors in urban and metropolitan areas with patients living in rural communities, which would help provide them with more up-to-date medical care.

Another way technology could be used to improve healthcare would be through the use of mobile clinics that travel from city to city providing services at a low cost, although there are some concerns that these would become overcrowded.

While some are concerned that technology may increase the costs of healthcare in rural communities, others believe that it could actually lower this cost by reducing transportation fees as well as enabling people to have access to more services and products at a lower price.


Although rural America makes up around one-fifth of the population, there are many concerns that these communities have less access to affordable healthcare than those who live in urban or metropolitan ones. Hopefully, opportunities to expand healthcare accessibility and availability for people living in rural communities, including through telemedicine, nurse practitioners programs, healthy lifestyle initiatives, and better training opportunities for medical professionals will reduce these disparities creating a more equitable healthcare system.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

The Future of Contactless Payments

contactless paymentsStarting with just a handful of users back in the 1990s, the amount of contactless cards circulating in 2021 reached well over 190 million. Mobile contactless payments are also on an upward trend, with at least 43.9 million users making this kind of transaction in 2021.


What are Contactless Payments?

Contactless payment is a method of paying for products or services without physically tapping or inserting your card into a terminal device. In most cases, you just have to hold the card or mobile device over a reader for it to work. Although contactless cards are usually used by customers who want to pay for small consumables, mobile contactless payments are becoming increasingly popular among buyers of bigger products such as electronics and furniture.


The Advantages/Benefits of Contactless Payments

The advantages of contactless payments are numerous. They are extremely quick and easily usable in situations where you don’t have your wallet or purse on hand, such as buying something from a vending machine.

A contactless payment system works through a mutual authentication between a card or mobile device and a terminal. This means that the issuer of the card controls whether it is really you trying to make a payment, so even if someone stole your credit card number, they couldn’t use it without your PIN/password or fingerprint.

Contactless payments are very secure as every transaction has to be authenticated with different hardware depending on how much money you’re spending. Even if someone managed to copy all the data from one of your cards, they wouldn’t be able to clone it because each clone would require its own encryption key.

Many countries have started putting chips in their cards that store information beyond just account numbers and expiration dates, such as owner’s biometric data, making them ever more secure against fraud and data breaches.


Contactless Payment With a Credit Card/Debit Card

The most common way to pay using contactless is through your credit or debit card. Simply hold the card over the reader for it to work, as if you were doing any other type of transaction with that specific card. You can also use this method to pay for public transport with contactless cards and mobile devices in some cities around the world.


Mobile Contactless Payments

The easiest way to pay via your phone is by holding it up against an NFC-equipped terminal capable of receiving wireless signals from your device. In case your target terminal isn’t NFC-equipped, you can use an NFC tag to make your phone connect wirelessly with the target device.


Contactless Payment With a Wearable

Wearable contactless devices are also becoming more popular, especially among people who want to quickly pay for something without having to reach into their pocket or bag. The Wocket Smart Wallet is considered by many to be the best example of this technology because it stores account numbers for thousands of different cards and can even generate new temporary card numbers if your main card number gets compromised somehow.


Other Contactless Payment Methods

There are also other ways that you can pay using contactless such as:

  • Using your mobile device as a car key (Ford)
  • Making online purchases via smartwatches (Apple Watch)
  • Paying for bus, taxi, and train travel with QR codes
  • Using an RFID-equipped card or keychain to unlock your vehicle


What Contactless Payments Will Be Like in the Future

The future of contactless payments looks very promising. All the different possible payment methods, such as wearable and mobile payment, make them more efficient and less cumbersome to use than current ways of transacting money or making purchases.

As we move into an increasingly technology-driven world, where everything is connected with the internet , we will undoubtedly see a greater number of new and innovative means of paying for things and transferring money without even needing to reach for our wallets.

So many possibilities exist for how we can pay in the future that it’s impossible to predict what might happen over the next ten years. What seems likely though, given these technologies’ increasing popularity, is that contactless payments will become more widespread.

There are several new contactless payment methods that are currently in development. Most of them will use NFC technology but there is also RFID (Radio-frequency identification) contactless payments which allow customers to make agreements with their bank or credit card issuer so they can pay different merchants by touching their phone against the merchant’s POS device.

As more people start using cashless means of transaction because it’s quick, secure, and efficient, the number of businesses offering payment via mobile devices will only continue to grow.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Tips On Forming Your Own Telehealth Startup

telehealth startupA telehealth startup is a company which provides health services or products through telecommunications. It’s a new and emerging field with great potential for growth. The advantages they offer are well recognized by health care providers, patients, and payers. Generally, they offer innovative products and services which have been developed to meet the specific needs of the target population.

Telehealth startups provide customized programs to individuals, families, seniors, and caregivers. They can provide services by telephone, email, or hand delivery. Telehealth startups may offer a number of different products which are designed to support good health habits, prevent disease and manage chronic conditions.

Telehealth startup companies have the ability to offer their clients timely access to providers who are experts in their fields. The range of products and services which can be offered by telehealth startups is fairly broad.


What To Consider Before Beginning a Telehealth Startup

If you’re looking to start your own telehealth company, you may want to keep several issues in mind. Telehealth start-up costs can be high. It takes time and money to get started, so you need ample resources of capital, energy, and patience. You will also need to do considerable research on the current telehealth services industry before you launch your own company.


Corporate Structure

From the beginning, it’s important to establish your telehealth startup as a formal entity with a corporate structure which will ensure compliance with all regulatory requirements at the national and regional levels. Formalizing your company early on will help keep your telehealth startup in compliance with all industry standards and guidelines.


Involvement of Technology

It goes without saying that technology will play an indispensable role in your new telehealth startup. Assistants can help you identify your target market and find new sales leads for this industry. Startups must keep costs down while offering their products at competitive prices. It may be helpful to have an expert on staff who is experienced with computers.


Health Insurance Costs

Telehealth startups incur significant expenditures (reimbursement) by health insurance companies. Partially to cover this cost, you have to either bill your patients directly or work with a third-party billing company which will take care of all paperwork involved in billing insurance companies. You have to pay for this service so it’s a good idea to research the best deals out there.


Logistical Issues

There are a number of logistical issues which need to be taken care of before going live. For instance, you have to select the location and hire an office manager, acquire equipment and configure phone lines. Some telemarketing companies provide these services for a fee but you still have to spend money on them.


Telehealth Startup Documents

Telehealth startup documents include a number of legal forms and agreements. You will need these to set up the company, run the business and protect your assets. While not all telehealth startups will require all of these forms, it’s a good idea to be familiar with them and have at least some of them on hand.

  • Health Provider Agreement: this form sets out the terms and conditions agreed upon by you and any third-party health providers you may use in your business.
  • Business Checking Account: having an account of your own is important for bookkeeping purposes.
  • Employee Manual: this form will help you set out the rights and responsibilities of your employees. This way, everyone knows where they stand when it comes to pay rates, vacation time, sick days, and other compensation matters.
  • Generic Resale Agreement: if you plan on reselling any products you purchase, you will need an agreement with your supplier.


Tips To Remember When Starting a Telehealth Business

Below are a few things to remember when you’re in the process of starting a telehealth business.

  1. Be honest with yourself, your experience, and your expertise in this industry. Don’t lose sight of your core competencies even as you add new services to your portfolio. You don’t want to dilute the quality of service you provide to your customers.


  1. Keep your technology costs low without compromising on quality. Pay attention to the strategic plans of established telehealth providers and their subsidiaries in order to avoid doing business with companies that may compete with you and damage your reputation and market share.


  1. There’s a lot of competition in this industry so do your research before launching your telehealth startup. Gain some experience by working with other companies in this space so you’ll learn the ins and outs of the telehealth business.


  1. Make sure to protect yourself financially by acquiring all necessary documents, forms, and agreements before launching your business. This way, you’ll minimize the risk of doing business with third parties who may not be reputable or have a poor reputation.


What To Do Once Your Telehealth Startup is Established

Once you have your startup telehealth company up and running, it’s important to monitor its performance. Watch for possible problems as well as opportunities that can be exploited in the market.

In addition, make sure you follow all the state regulations which govern medical practice. Keep track of changes to these regulations as they can become binding down the road.

Don’t neglect the importance of marketing and sales. Telehealth is not a self-service industry so you need to make sure customers know what you offer.

Whatever your goals might be, it’s crucial that you keep on learning about the telehealth business. There are plenty of resources available online which will help you do this.

Starting a telehealth business is relatively easy but it can be challenging as well. This industry is evolving and so you need to study the market and keep abreast of changes in technology and regulations. Take things one step at a time and don’t bite off more than you can chew or you’ll risk putting your business on the backburner.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Top 5 Limitations of Website Builders Such as WordPress and Wix

website buildersWebsite builders such as Wix and WordPress claim that they will give you a website in next to no time – but is it really true? And even if it were, what can you do with your website once you’ve got it? What are the limitations of having a website using a site builder?


What Are Website Builders Anyways?

Website builders are basically services where you can choose from a few templates to create your website, which is generated as code (html, css) saved on their servers once you hit “publish”.

This means that if something happens to the site builder or if they decide to stop offering service you might lose your website. It also means that you don’t have full control over your website.

For example, you can’t use a sitebuilder to build a website for an ecommerce store because the service doesn’t offer payment gateways or shopping cart functionalities.

In short – it’s not actually a “website builder” in the sense that it will do everything from hosting, to back-end functionality.


5 Limitations of Builders (WordPress/Wix)

So, just how limiting are website builders? While you could probably think of many more, here are six limitations to help you get a better idea of whether it’s actually worth the effort or not.


1. It’s harder to be found on search engines

Website builders rely on a lot of CSS and Javascript to make their templates even remotely attractive, which is again something that’s difficult for search engines to crawl through, meaning your site is unlikely to rank well.


2. You can’t build complex page layouts (unless you know how to code)

If you’ve ever used Wix, it’s probably pretty obvious that there isn’t much flexibility in design. This also means there aren’t many customization options—even if you do know CSS and HTML – because site builders don’t want anyone creating a mess or code that might damage their servers.


3. You’re stuck with what the builder provides – you can’t add your own plugins, modules etc

Each builder gives you a short list of third party providers to choose from (for example, MailChimp in the case of Wix) but if there isn’t any code available to connect to your chosen provider, then you can’t use that feature.


4. You don’t have access to the code of your website

This means you’re stuck with whatever editing options a website builder gives you – which isn’t a lot. This means things like changing the link color’s for example would take an extra effort just because they aren’t available in the editor.


5. You don’t know HTML & CSS

A builder separates the front-end design of your website – which you can edit using their online editor – and the back-end, which is all the code that produces the site. This means if you’re not familiar with coding, then you won’t be able to make a lot of edits to your site.

After viewing these limitations of website builders, you might be wondering if there’s any way around them, or if there are any alternatives.


Why Website Designers Can Be Better Than Website Builders

If you’ve gone through the list of limitations and realize that you can’t get a truly flexible website with your chosen site builder, then there might be another option for you—such as buying a premium WordPress theme (through Themeforest or ElegantThemes) or getting an account at a web hosting company. This is a better option for those who already have some experience with coding as it will give them more flexibility and control over their website.

Another option is to look for website designers. There are some great ones who will be able to hook you up with a custom, flexible website that’s exactly what you like. You’ll get to choose the color scheme, layout and other design aspects. This also means it will be done exactly how you want it because designers don’t try to cram their style down your throat. They’re there to bring your ideas to life.


Now that you’ve had an overview of the limitations and the potential solutions, what do you think? Are website builders worth it?

If you’re just looking for a simple and cheap-to-maintain website, then they can be useful. But if you want something that is truly yours and allows maximum flexibility, then it might be worth bringing in someone who specializes in website design. Or better yet, look into using WordPress as your CMS—at least you won’t be limited by a pre-made template.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Top Privacy Concerns In Messaging Apps

messaging appsPeople of all ages are beginning to use messaging apps for their social lives and as a result, these apps are now replacing email as the main way we communicate with friends and family. However, the majority of users are not aware that messaging apps often store a lot of their private data in the cloud, which can be accessed by third-parties.

Privacy concerns are at an all-time high with so many of our private moments being broadcast by the apps we choose to use. As a result, users have begun looking for ways to have more control over their privacy and there is now a much wider choice in terms of private messaging apps.


Why It’s Important For Messaging Apps To Be Private

Messaging apps that aren’t private run the risk of a number of security concerns, such as the following.

Interception: App developers are able to read messages sent through the app, advertisers are able to access the data, and sometimes, hackers are able to intercept all of this information.

Third-Party Access: Someone other than you has access to your messages, which means your private information is not as secure as you might think.

Location Tracking: Most messaging apps store a record of your location when you send or receive certain messages, such as when arranging a meeting with a friend.

Another one of the biggest issues with messaging apps is that they are so centralized. Normally, if you want to have a conversation with someone on WhatsApp or Facebook Messenger, then both parties need to be using that service, which means one person has to always give up control over their information. One way around this is to have a separate chat app on each device, but this can become extremely complicated and confusing for many users.

The problem with centralization is that if any of the service providers are hacked, then all your information stored in the cloud becomes vulnerable to cybercriminals. This could include your login credentials, credit card details, photos and videos stored on third-party servers, as well as private messages sent through the service.


Ways Private Messaging Apps Can Address Security Concerns

The best apps for private messaging are able to address some of the above mentioned problems by storing your data on your own device rather than in the cloud. As a result, if one of these companies are hacked, then no personal information is stolen because it’s not stored anywhere but on your phone or tablet.

The following are some more ways that private messaging apps can address security concerns.

Encryption: Utilizing end-to-end encryption means chat messages are scrambled as they pass from one device to another, keeping the communication between users secure.

Ownership Of Data: The messaging app has no access to your personal data, including your photos and videos, which are stored safely on your device.

Blacklisting: Users can block other users from having any contact with them. This is useful for blocking harassing messages or people sharing explicit content.

Multimedia Data: The app does not store a record of multimedia data sent through the message service, so there’s no trace of you ever sending it.


Examples of Private Messaging Apps

Secure private messaging apps often provide the same services and features as their non-private counterparts, but with added security. The following messaging apps give users more control over their privacy:



Telegram is a very popular free messaging app that offers end-to-end encrypted messaging. It allows for group chats of up to 200,000 people and has a secret chat feature that uses end-to-end encryption. The app also offers file sharing for up to 2GB and self-destructing messages, which allows you to set a time limit on how long the message stays visible in the chats.



iMessage is pre-installed with iPhones and iPads and allows for private conversations by using end-to-end encryption. The app offers secure passwords, message previews that randomize text and attachments out of your view until you click on them and has a spoofing feature to stop people from taking screenshots without the sender’s knowledge.



Viber is another popular messaging tool available for free that allows users to share text, photos and videos with friends and family. The app doesn’t include end-to-end encryption like Telegram, but it does have an option for a secure passcode or fingerprint verification to access the conversations.



Although not specifically known as a messaging app, Snapchat has recently been used for sending private messages and multimedia content. The app doesn’t use end-to-end encryption, but does have a feature for photos that makes them disappear after being viewed by the recipient.



WhatsApp is one of the biggest chat apps in the world with over 1 billion monthly users. WhatsApp uses end-to-end encryption, stores messages on servers for 30 days and allows you to block other users so they can’t contact you.


While private messaging apps offer security features that traditional chat apps don’t have, they are typically designed to be used the same way – by quickly sharing photos, videos and text with friends. The key difference is that users now have more control over their privacy by choosing who they talk with and what data is stored about them.

While this piece discussed the best ways private messaging apps can address security concerns, there are still some challenges that these apps face when trying to keep your information safe. If you’re concerned about secure messaging, then it’s important to read about the app and understand how everything works before you download it.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Ways to Make Patient Payments Easier

patient paymentsWhen it comes to finding patient payment solutions, there is no shortage of options. With the way that healthcare has evolved over the past 20 years or so, payment methods have also changed. Since higher deductibles and co-insurance are on the rise with many insurance carriers, more patients will need to find new ways to pay for their healthcare, which puts the pressure on doctors and hospitals to ensure that patients get access to care.


Types of Patient Payments Solutions

Plans for payments in healthcare can vary from provider to provider, but they usually have a similar structure. Many practice management systems have ways for providers to customize their patient payment policies, so it’s best to talk to your software vendor about what is available.

The main types of patient payments solutions include:

1) Cash/Check – Some providers require payment up front, but others have a built-in grace period to encourage more patients to pay their bills.

2) Insurance – If you contract with carriers, then they will provide you with electronic remittance advice (ERA), which can be automatically loaded into your system so that the data is available for billing and payment posting.

3) Credit Cards – This is one of the most popular methods for patient payments today because there are many types of cards that patients can use, and they’re easy to process. However, providers do need to pay fees when accepting credit cards.

4) Self-Pay – If you don’t contract with insurance carriers or bill patients, then you will most likely be dealing with self-pay accounts. This can be burdensome for providers because they must send out statements and deal with patient follow-up. Many times, interest begins to accrue on balances that are not paid or agreed upon payment plans.


Ways to Make Payment Process Easier

One of the best ways to make patient payments easier is by implementing a healthcare payment platform in your office. While you may not think that this would be something necessary, it can help thousands or even millions of people a year get through your doors. Here are some of the benefits of using a platform:

1) Patient Eligibility – One of the first types of patient payments solutions that a payment platform can provide is eligibility checking. This helps ensure that patients have insurance or are otherwise qualified to become a new patient at your practice, which means more revenue for you. In fact, some platforms can also determine if an existing patient has insurance and the level of coverage they have. This helps providers increase their collections and avoid denials and write-offs.

2) Multi-Currency – If you treat people from all over the world, then a multi-currency payment platform can help you determine what forms of payments your international patients can use. Then when they make their payments, it can be sent to you in their local currency.

3) Patient Reminders – One of the biggest reasons that providers have a hard time collecting payment from patients is because the patient forgot about their visit or didn’t understand how much they owe. By integrating a reminder system into your platform, you can set up automated emails and text messages to patients, which will help remind them of their outstanding balances and encourage payment.

4) Ease of Use – One of the most important things to consider when it comes to finding ways to make patient payments easier is whether or not the solution you choose will be easy for your staff to use on a daily basis. If it isn’t, they likely won’t use it, which means that patient collections will decline because you aren’t finding the right ways to make the payment process easier.

5) Customization – Finally, in addition to ensuring that your staff can easily use the platform, you also want to ensure that your solution is customized for your needs. This includes determining what services are included in your fee schedule, the ability to accept different forms of payment, and ensuring that your platform can be integrated with any other software you use in your office.


Payment Solutions Healthcare Organizations Should Adopt

One of the most popular ways to increase payments for your services is by offering patients financial savings. Financial savings are one type of patient pricing program that providers can use to attract more patients and encourage payment.

1) Tiered Pricing – By charging different amounts for similar but not identical healthcare services, it is possible to attract the specific type of patient that is looking for a certain price point. This helps ensure that your practice is not overwhelmed with people searching for the lowest price and helps you collect more revenue per patient visit.

2) Customizable Pricing – While tiered pricing allows providers to increase payment simply by creating different pricing structures, customization gives providers even more options when it comes to customizing their patient payment solutions. This includes the ability to set specific prices for any service you provide, accept different forms of payment, and determine specific eligibility criteria that patients must meet to be eligible for discounts.

3) Online Payments – One way that providers can increase the number of patients who pay their balance at or before their visit is by allowing them to make online payments. By doing this you make it easy for patients to pay, which means that more will.

4) No Paper Billing – Many payment solutions provide providers with the option of not billing patients at all! That’s right, by allowing your practice to give out an invoice number instead of asking your patient to pay their balance before their visit, you can increase the number of paid visits your practice gets.

5) Cash Discounts – A cash discount is a cost-effective way to reduce patient accounts receivable and increase payments from patients who pay at the time of service. By offering this, you’re encouraging people to pay earlier, which means that they have less outstanding balances on their account.


There are many ways to make patient payments easier, but not all of them work for every practice. By considering your specific needs and consulting with a finance expert to find the best solution, you can improve collections and increase cash flow.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Is The Metaverse Really a Far Fetched Concept?

metaverseA metaverse is a collective virtual shared space, created by the convergence of virtually enhanced physical reality and physically persistent virtual space.

The concept of a metaverse isn’t new to mankind, for thousands of years there have been stories passed down throughout history that talk about a world that is above our own, made up of all the lost souls in this life.

The Dreamtime is yet another idea passed down throughout history. The Dreamtime is the Aboriginal concept of an alternative reality which exists alongside our own world. This concept refers to the past, when mythological creatures created the world.

The idea of a virtual space that is above our own then isn’t new, what makes it any different from anything else out there?


What is the Metaverse?

The answer is simple, the metaverse is a world augmented with elements in our everyday life. We already have online communities on a basic level (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram), where people communicate with one another on a daily basis.

Online games such as World of Warcraft, Call of Duty or EVE online are becoming increasingly popular to the point that some people choose to live in this alternate reality over their own.

A metaverse is not just an online community, it isn’t just a virtual space that we visit every now and then, a metaverse is real life with an added layer of augmented reality on top. Metaverse technologies enable people from all over the world to create an online identity, represented as an avatar that exists virtually through which you can socialize and connect with others.


What Are the Potential Functions and Uses of the Metaverse?

Metaverse technologies offer a variety of useful features to a wide range of industries, from medicine and health to commerce.


Medicine and Healthcare

Doctors and other medical professionals will be able to perform surgeries through an augmented reality environment, the doctor sees their patient’s body as if it were his or her own hands inside of them. This innovative idea has already been put to use in the real world with the Robotic Retinal Dissection Device (RRDD).

Virtual Reality has also been used in training programs for new doctors and nurses. It helps medical students and professionals learn about parts of the body from different angles without having to use cadavers, saving money on materials as well as time.



In a metaverse users would be able to control their own avatars, creating identities that they can represent themselves with. Commerce will be done primarily through the use of currency, but rather than using a physical currency these currencies wouldn’t exist anywhere except in virtual space.

Users would purchase clothes or other items for their avatars, as well as renew parts of their avatar if needed. Users could create whatever type of identity they wanted, or free to be anything they wanted.

For example, the online game Second Life is a virtual world where anyone can create an avatar  and then use it as their own. People go out into the world to buy furniture or clothes, which all translates back to real life money.

Many users of second life are completely detached from the real world, spending their time going to virtual parties and other events instead of taking care of the needs a normal life requires. The reality is that Second Life isn’t a real virtual world, it’s just a game with an added layer of augmented reality.



Classrooms could be transformed into an augmented reality environment through which students are able to interact with their teachers and other students. Classes would have a virtual feel, removing the boundaries of physical space between student and teacher.

Virtual Reality has already been tested in the education field, it is being used currently by various universities to teach subjects such as geography, history, and other STEM courses.

In the same way that Second Life has been used in classrooms to help students learn about geometry or economics in a virtual space, Metaverse technologies enable an even greater scope of subjects that can be taught through the use of augmented reality.


Advantages and Disadvantages of the Metaverse

Because of the vast potential that Metaverse technologies offer, a lot of companies have put a lot of time and money into developing their own metaverse platforms. The benefits of the metaverse are quite obvious when compared to physical space. It is easier for companies to hold virtual conferences rather than physical ones, AV equipment is hardly ever needed when you have a completely customizable interface at your disposal.

The metaverse offers enormous potential in this sector, being able to provide the world with an expansive online community where everyone is represented by their own avatar.

While there are countless benefits to creating a virtual world where everyone is represented by their own avatar, it is important to realize that not everything will be safe within this virtual world.

There may or may not be strict policies in place for users that are creating their own avatars within the Metaverse, this lack of security leads to a lot of issues. Just like in Second Life where users can create whatever avatar they want to represent themselves with, hackers could potentially exploit even more advanced systems and do a lot more damage or cause a lot more mayhem than ever before.


The Metaverse has the potential to change how we live our lives by giving us an entirely new way to connect with each other and make memories. It isn’t a far-fetched concept, and the development of technologies to make it happen is already underway.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Managing, Analyzing, and Securing Company Data With Integrated AI

integrated AIArtificial intelligence (AI) is a combination of software and hardware that enables machines to perform actions and tasks in a way that simulates human intelligence. It holds the potential to revolutionize business by enabling organizations to automate and improve decision-making, analyze vast amounts of data, and reduce costs. Companies want to take advantage of these capabilities, but there are significant obstacles to achieving them.

AI technology is complex, requiring specialized expertise and tools that most companies lack. Deploying it is difficult because of the need for integration with existing systems across an organization. For many organizations, particularly those in highly regulated industries, security considerations also pose a barrier to entry.

Companies can overcome these challenges by integrating existing systems and deploying AI across the entire organization.


Some Use Cases of Integrated AI

Integration makes it possible for companies of all sizes to achieve their goals with the latest AI techniques. It also makes it easier for organizations to meet regulatory requirements as they implement new technologies. In some cases, organizations can use AI to improve their compliance efforts.

Leading companies are using automated audit and monitoring tools to proactively identify risk, detect when policies have been violated, and flag when incidents require human review. The solution can also provide employers with a “continuous view” of compliance by identifying patterns such as repeated employee terminations that may indicate a problem.

Integrated AI can also give companies a competitive edge by enabling them to better manage risk and offset the costs of complying with regulations. In addition, integrating AI into business processes allows organizations to automate tedious tasks that sap employee productivity and generate valuable insights from vast amounts of data, leading to more informed decisions that drive growth.

AI solutions are typically built around an existing enterprise resource planning (ERP) system to meet requirements for data governance, reporting, compliance, security, and analytics. The benefits of integrating AI into an ERP include reduced workloads for employees; better decision-making based on insights derived from the integrated systems; improved end-user satisfaction; and the ability to leverage existing investments in business processes.


The Process of Integrating AI

The process of integrating AI into an ERP involves several steps. First, the company acquires AI software that is supported by a robust open architecture to ensure it can be deployed on multiple platforms across its entire operations.

Next, companies must integrate the system into their existing systems for security, analytics, and other applications. To achieve this, they need to select a partner that has deep expertise in both AI and their particular industry. Finally, companies should ensure they have the right talent—machine learning engineers or data scientists—to use the system effectively.

Only after these steps are complete does the company start reaping the benefits of integrated AI. This usually takes between one and two years but can be shorter depending on the size and scope of an organization’s AI project.


How AI Can Help Businesses Manage, Analyze, and Secure Data

Machine learning tools are being used for a variety of processes that involve managing company data. They can be applied to portfolio management, risk mitigation efforts, predictive maintenance, identity verification, and more.

In finance, organizations are using machine learning to identify patterns in purchasing behavior, flagging unusual activity such as unauthorized expenditures or transactions with vendors that don’t usually do business with an organization. For example, Yoti, a UK-based authentication company, has used machine learning to build models that can help banks determine whether a customer applying for a loan is trustworthy.

In the insurance sector, integrated AI has been used to create more accurate predictive models that can better forecast claims costs based on historical data and machine learning techniques. Machine learning also allows insurers to set premiums with a greater degree of precision by predicting an individual’s likelihood to make a claim in the future.

Other industries can use machine learning to help manage and analyze their data as well. The healthcare industry, for example, can better inform patient care and reduce medical errors by applying these techniques to electronic health records (EHRs).

The human resources sector can also benefit from AI. Employers are using machine learning to automate the recruitment process, identify high-potential talent, and predict employees’ future success based on their past behavior.

Businesses can also use machine learning to improve security. Machine learning techniques are the basis of many cybersecurity tools available today, including firewalls, intrusion detection systems (IDS), anti-virus software, spam filters, and phishing protection. They allow companies to get in front of threats by flagging suspicious events that could indicate a cyberattack.

Insider threats are another area where machine learning can help improve security, with companies using it to monitor emails, screen employees’ communications, and identify unusual activity within their corporate networks.

Companies can use these tools to better manage risk across the organization. Machine learning monitors the quality of products or services an organization provides. When anomalies are detected—such as poor customer reviews, higher rates of returns than usual, or fewer repeat purchases—the business can take steps to address any issues before they escalate into major problems.

Internal processes such as expense reports and invoice approvals are other areas where machine learning can be used to automate tasks that were previously done by humans. The benefits here are similar to those for finance—reducing the time employees spend on routine activities, freeing them up to focus on more complex tasks, and increasing accuracy.

Integrating AI into existing structures allows for the streamlining of existing data repositories, platforms, and tools. Organizations should make it possible to share real-time information across various departments or functions—from engineering to finance to customer service—because this will minimize the time between actionable insights and decisions that can be made by employees at every level of the organization.


Organizations lacking AI integration technology risk falling behind competitors that do. They will find themselves susceptible to losing vast amounts of data they gather to inform strategic decisions.

AI system integration allows companies and organizations to capitalize on their existing investments—such as ERP systems, cloud computing platforms, and other enterprise applications—to create a more robust platform to be used across the entire organization. Finally, companies should integrate AI into existing business processes because it offers the opportunity for employees to spend less time on tedious tasks, freeing them up to focus on more valuable activities. The pros far outweigh the cons.

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

Operating Your Business In The Cloud Can Make Workflows More Efficient, But Is It More Secure?

business in the cloudIn today’s highly competitive business environment, businesses need to do everything they can to operate more efficiently and be as lean as possible. Cloud computing is a potential solution for multiple types of businesses. It allows users to outsource their data storage systems into the cloud, which creates better security and facilitates internal file sharing across multiple devices at once.


Cloud Computing vs. Cloud Storage

Cloud computing is when your business outsources its data processing to a third party that has better technology than what you could use in-house. This option is becoming increasingly popular in tech-savvy businesses. It delivers scalable technology that can adapt to changes in your company’s needs.

Cloud storage is when your business outsources its data storage to a third party, which can be useful for businesses with large amounts of files and data. This option also lets multiple users access the same file at once from different locations.


How Cloud Increases Efficiency and Security for Small/Mid Size Businesses

In business, efficiency is key. When you have more things automated in your company, it speeds up workflow and can help cut down on manual errors. As more companies are becoming aware of the benefits of cloud computing, all sorts of new possibilities have emerged for businesses. For example, consider what happens when a business without an IT department purchases office software from a provider in the cloud. There’s no need to hire an expensive contractor to set up servers and install the software. Companies can now access their software from any location that has an Internet connection, which also makes it easier to work from home or on the go.


The Security of Your Data and Privacy in The Cloud

With cloud computing, businesses don’t have to worry about maintaining their own servers and networks—that’s taken care of by the cloud provider. It’s important to note that, when it comes to business security, suppliers are responsible for managing data encryption and protecting your company’s information. However, if your company stores personal data in the cloud (for example, sensitive medical or financial records), you may need to take additional steps like encrypting this type of data yourself before uploading it to the cloud.

This only applies if you are using 3rd party software on your computer with its own encryption method which can be turned on or off by the user. Cloud based solutions that are built into Operating Systems, Email Programs etc. encrypt all data at rest and in transit by default with full key management being done by the built in encryption software.

You can also be diligent about reviewing your cloud providers’ security policies and procedures to make sure they’re a good fit for your company’s business needs.


Other Security Considerations When Using Cloud Computing

There are some security risks associated with the use of certain cloud computing models, such as Infrastructure-as-a-Service (IaaS). For example, a company’s data transmissions might go through a public network or internet connection which can be more susceptible to security risks. Similarly, the virtual machines and storage containers created by IaaS use public networks for processing and storage, so they have similar vulnerabilities. In both situations, it’s important that employees understand the security risks and know how to avoid them.

Some cloud computing security issues and challenges include:

Data location: If your company stores its data in a different country, it may fall under the protection of that nation’s laws and surveillance programs. Also, you may need to comply with applicable business regulation for this jurisdiction.

Data sovereignty: Sometimes businesses store their data on servers located outside of their home country. This can lead to legal concerns, including issues with maintaining privacy and avoiding government surveillance.

Data ownership: Even if your company stores its data in the cloud, it still owns the data. It’s important to understand how this works for your particular situation so you can properly maintain ownership of your data. For instance, do you only own the copy on the server, or do you own copies on all of your business’s devices?

Data access: If company employees need to upload large files (like video footage), it can be challenging if the internet service is slow or not readily available. Be prepared for this issue by having a high-speed Internet connection in place before beginning the migration process.


All in all, when you ask yourself, “How secure is cloud storage?”, you want to remember that providers are responsible for properly securing your data. Like nearly all security measures, it’s important to be diligent about finding the service that best fits the needs of your company and enforcing good cloud security practices with employees.

More importantly, the pros of cloud technology far outweigh the cons. It can level the playing field for businesses of all sizes, because it allows them to access information from anywhere, anytime. It also makes teams more efficient because everyone has secure access to the same data and programs at all times. 

Sunvera Software develops next-level software applications from start-to-finish. We are a premier software and mobile app development agency specializing in healthcare mobile app development, custom mobile app development, telehealth software, sales dashboards, custom mobile app development services, retail software development, supply-chain software, ecommerce, shopify, web design, iBeacon apps, security solutions and unified access software.

We are proud partners with Amazon AWS, Microsoft Azure and Google Cloud.

Schedule a free 30-minute call with us to discuss your business, or you can give us a call at (949) 284-6300.

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